I’m a huge fan of
maxi dresses, after many year of not-owning-a-single-one they have finally found a place in my closet. They can be unbelievably comfortable
and light, but most importantly they give you complete freedom. I
found these two beauties on online store. I think they are perfect for the Summer nights and help you to transform into an elegant summer princess or hot diva!
maxi dresses, after many year of not-owning-a-single-one they have finally found a place in my closet. They can be unbelievably comfortable
and light, but most importantly they give you complete freedom. I
found these two beauties on online store. I think they are perfect for the Summer nights and help you to transform into an elegant summer princess or hot diva!
Prijetni poletni večeri so popolni za preobrazbo. V katero koli smer vas že vleče… Seksi zapeljivka bo izbrala barvito različico maxi obleke, vpadljiv seksi odtenek šminke in uro zaradi katere ne bo niti za trenutek pozabila naj sledi svojemu srcu. Izbira poletne vilinke bo svetel odtenek lahkotne svilene dolge obleke, z ujemajočo se uro z motivom laboda in nekaj bronzerja za zagorel videz. Kaj boste za ta večer izbrale ve?
SheInside dresses
Couleur Caramel Cosmetics
Iz kje je ta oblekca?
imaš link zgoraj
Love the collage!
love both that dress !
EIDesign Glamour
Desno bi takoj imela
V moji omari je samo ena maxi in je zelo osamljena, tako da se ji bo v julijskem šopingu verjetno še kakšna pridružila 
waw…tole bi pa takoj nosila
lovely dresses, just perfect for summer <3
great selections they have! x
We also love maxi dresses!
It's hard to decide among these!!
Waw kok hudi obleki! S kje sta??
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