As a famous comedian Chelsea Handler once said, “we women have to stick together”. A quote that I live and swear by. Even though years have taught me not all female (or male for that matter) relationships work and that sometimes one can even turn their back on you, the years have also taught me that finding the right tribe of women can bring you closer to happiness, success and fulfilment. Women can be your greatest allies, believe me. The past 5 years in a highly competitive and fairly new business, blogging, have taught me that you simply cannot trust everyone. But on the other hand I also found some true friends, women who encourage me and help me be better and better – in life and in business. Supporting other woman’s work will not make yours less successful, less visible or less important. It will make you a greater person. And as all things come back as boomerang, your support will be manifested in the support you will get back. One way or the other.
Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back.
Why can’t all women just be nice to each other? Or at least not being mean? Even today in the modern era, women are still unequal and sexism is still highly present in the society. Making a positive change will most definitely not happen by turning against each other, my dear ladies. Instead of sticking a knife in another woman’s back, rather put energy into uniting and supporting each other. Or at least put energy into yourself, you own work. By no means I am trying to convince you to be friends with anyone, to be supportive to any woman out there. Please, just be nice. I get you cannot click with just anyone, I get that sometimes it is hard to see a woman succeed, when you are trying so hard to achieve the same yourself (and it doesn’t really go your way). The least you can do is to show some kindness and respect. Stop viewing other women as your enemies, because they are not.
This post is a tribute to all the women who stick together. It is dedicated especially to my blogger ladies Tesa (Magnifique), Vanesa (Takeoff with love), Nika (Beautyfull blog), Lea (Lepa Afna), Gabi (Parokeets blog), Eva (Nepopolna mama), Pia (Fash’n’fudge), who I am proud to call friends.
Zara jeans
Zara top
Primark kimono
Superga sneakers
Blanka Slak Rupnik turban
photo: Pia Hočevar Mucić
Lepo povedano Ajda. Jaz mislim, da se močne ženske ne bojijo podpirati tudi svoje “konkurence”. Navsezadnje dobro se z dobrim vrača 😉
Odlično napisano! ♡
Krasen zapis in cudovite fotke! Se strinjam s tabo. Nic ni hujsega kot nevoscljivost.
Ooo, kako ste luštne. In res je, treba je stat skupaj 😀 (btw: Tole Primark ogrinjalo/haljica je res mega)