Brazilian brand Petite Jolie is simply cute! Their newest summer 2017 collection once again convinced me with a variety of colourful pieces and unique designs. Shoes and accessories by Petite Jolie are well known for their recognized designs, high quality materials (made from eco PVC and microfibre) and different, yet trendy styles. Plus, they smell delicious! I am simply in love with their recognizable tropical scent. They came to Slovenia a few years ago and they never disappoint. This year, besides a variety of Modiana store locations, they also launched their online store, shopping for fun, unique and trendy footwear and bags is now even easier. Enough of my rambling, check which models I liked the most!
This post is sponsored by Petite Jolie.
photo: Katarina Veselič
Ajda a podplat diha v takih pvc čevljih? Ali se ti noga v njih še bolj poti? Jaz sem jih enkrat probvala, pa se potem nisem odločla za nakup. Ker men se recimo v crocks balerinkah nenormalno potijo stopala 🙁
Precej je odvisno od modela. Meni se recimo precej potijo noge že od nekdaj. Zaprte balerinke so malo problem, te ki so bolj odprte pa ne (zasmrdijo pa nobene haha). Tiste, ki pa nimajo gumijaskega podplata so pa neproblematične s tega vidika.