The largest of the three Gilis, located right next to Lombok, Gili Trawangan was our next destination. After a good hour ride with the fast boat from Padang Bai on Bali, we arrived at the white-sand island sitting in the turquoise sea. Since motorized transport is prohibited, the preferred means of transportation is by foot, by bicycle or with the horse-drawn carriage called cidomo. Measuring 2km wide and 3km long, rising 30m above sea level, the island is small enough to be fully explored by foot, but we opted for the bike rental. We decided to stay at the Ombak Sunset hotel, which is located on the west coast, for three reasons. One: it’s remote, away from the crowded and noisy eastern side (but still close enough to reach by foot or bike). Two: it’s half-way between the southern and northern part. The north beach is by far the best snorkeling point. Three: it’s the only place that has the famous swing, where you can admire the sunset (and take some marvelous photos). We are heading back to Bali today, sad that we are leaving this picturesque place and excited for more things to come. For sure, we are coming back one day to explore all of the three islands.
Bintang majčka zmaga 😀 Se otoček ni nič spremenil od lanskega leta, ko sem bila tam – še vedno je čudovit, tvoje profi fotke pa ga še dodatno polepšajo <3
Nujno je treba obiskati te tvoje destinacije. Oci si spocijem ob teh cudovitih fotkah pa tudi opisujes sanjsko. Keep going…
Amazing shots!
Ajda…..fotke no <3
Mislim, da bo padlo kofečke pa mi boš kaj o potovoanju povedala, naslednje leto če bom le imela čas je to moja naslednja destinacija.
Zelo lepo,…a maš fotografa tud s sabo? Odlični posnetki!!
Tokrat brez "profi" fotografa 🙂 Torej je na delu Jan, nekaj pa tudi jaz. Sicer pa – hvala!
Nam je za Gili na žalost zmanjkalo časa. Vidim, da bom mogla še enkrat nazaj, da še to odkljukam. 🙂
Sandra – The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
Jaz bi vzela še kakšen dan več in obiskala še druga dva Gilija zraven 🙂