A few days ago the Brazilian brand Petite Jolie contacted me, if I wanted to come along their nearest selling point and take a look at their new Autumn 2015 collection. They came out with some uniquely designed shoes, there’s a lot of rubber (which is a must for rainy days), some colorful choices, however this season beige, black and gold shades are obviously the ones to go for. My absolute favourite pair are gold ballet pumps with let’s go girl! written on them. They are a bit different from my usual style, but they are extremely comfortable and cheeky. Why not add some fun to your outfit with a pair of shoes, right?
photo: Domen Blenkuš
Joj, meni so čudovite zlate na mašnico. Verjetno si jih bom privoščla, si ne morem pomagat 😉
Mikela iz http://www.lovingfromberlin.blogspot.com
Ja tok so luštne, da res ni 🙂 Pa podplat je ublazinjen in res mehek (dosti boljši kot pri običajnih balerinkah, kjer v bistvu hodiš direktno s petami po tleh).
Oooo waw, gležnarji so reeees lepi! ?
Ja, čist tvoj stil! 🙂
Amazing shoes and You look gorgeous!
Kaksna pa je cena?
Cene so precej različne, mislim da je večina nekje okoli 50€ 🙂
Tisti z 'let's go' so mi najlepši :))
x, Katja
so many great pairs x