Last week was extremely busy, at least for me. One of the highlights of the week was definitely my participation at the E! Entertainment Press Conference at the Hotel Cubo in Ljubljana. My job was to explore the influence of reality shows on the fashion industry, focusing on the TV shows House of DVF, Fashion Bloggers and Keeping up with the Kardashians. They are all coming back with a new season this Fall, in case you didn’t know. The »fashion bloggers« theme was definitely the closest to my heart, I could literally talk for hours about this topic. Anyway, the event was lovely, we were are satisfied with the final turnout, had a nice talk while eating delicious food prepared by Hotel Cubo and took (a lot!) photos in front of the photowall. It was a great experience, thank you all for contributing to it!
photo: Marko Delbello Ocepek
Bravo, Ajda!
Zanima pa me, če je bil dogodek morda sneman? Si ga bomo lahko kje ogledali?
Živjo! Dogodek ni bil sneman, tako da ogleda ne bo. Edino kakšno fotografijo bo mogoče videti 🙂
Super objava&super slikce!
Pa hvala da si dala še najino zraven ^^
Lepo je bilo poklepetati s tabo – upam, da kmalu spet 🙂
full mi je všeč tvoj outfit, kolikor se ga pač da videti na teh fotkah. Enostavno, elegantno in modno. Če prav vidim nosiš jumpsuit? Smem izvedet iz katere trgovine je, ker že dolgo iščem nekaj podobnega?
Tako je, jumpsuit je. Je iz Zare, vendar že pred časom in je takšen klasičen kos, ki pride prav ob takšnih priložnostih 🙂
This is so cool! Congrats girlie.
XO, Jessi
Zanimiv dogodek… Mi je všeč, da se vedno več dogaja…Z Evo pa sta prav lepi in pravi kontrast. Ti svetlolaska, ona temnolaska. Ti črna oblačila, ona barvna. Ti enobarvno oblečena, ona večbarvno itd.. 😀
Hvala 🙂