SPF is definitely the biggest protector against aging and a factor that can prevent everything from sunburns, allergy-related outbursts, hyper-pigmentation and even decrease the chances of getting a melanoma. In colder months, I usually look for day creams with SPF, when the sun really comes out, I layer on a proper SPF product. One of my go-to brands when it comes to sun protection is Vichy and I’ve been loving their newest products from the renewed Ideal Soleil range (previously named Capital Soleil) lately. I’ve been using a separate SPF on my face than the rest of my body, however looking for the same properties in both – a non-sticky texture, UVA and UVB protection and no white-veil (if possible).
Vichy Ideal Soleil Bronze SPF30 tan optimizing hydrating face gel-fluid (17€) has a moisturizing formula enriched in melanin activators responsible for the natural tanning process. It’s suitable for men and women who seek sun protection and at the same time want to get a natural-looking tan. It is not a self-tanning product, it only helps you achieve a tanned look in a healthier way. Those with normal, mixed or oily skin types could use it individually, those who’s skin is more on the drier side may need an additional serum or moisturizer underneath. It’s light, easy to apply, spread and it’s quickly absorbing. It definitely passes the tacky-texture-free test.
Vichy Ideal Soleil Bronze SPF30 tan optimizing hydrating spray (22€) is as the face-gel adapted to sensitive skin, protects you from the damaging effects of UV rays while optimizes tanning. It’s light as well, non-sticky and comes in (probably) the best packaging ever. It has a special water and sand resistant on/off spray system in the cap; you can even use it turned upside down (or any other direction) – a huge plus, at least for me. I’ve been loving both of the Bronze products, they provide me much needed protection, while also helping me get at least some tan.
* Women’s Secret swimsuit * Eos lipbalm * ZeroUV sunglasses *
This range sounds brilliant! I love your photography too 🙂
Pozdravljena, kljub temu, da zgleda Vichy kozmetika zelo vredu in sem jo že hotela poizkusiti me je zmotilo dejstvo, da testirajo na živalih :(. Kaj meniš ti o tem?
Živjo! Vichy načeloma ne testira na živalih, vendar svoje produkte prodaja na Kitajskem. Za uvod na kitajski trg oni sami izvedejo teste. Načeloma sama testiranja na živalih ne podpiram, se pa zavedam, da je trg kot je Kitajski izjemno velik in se zato znamki kot je na primer Vichy takšna prodaja precej splača. Vsekakor upam, da bodo nekoč spoznali, da testiranje vseeno ni potrebno tudi v takšnih državah kot je Kitajska.
za uvoz*
Aha, se opravičujem, Nisem najbolj vešča pri kozmetiki ampak ko sem pogledala na Beautypedio Paula's choice sem videla, da testirajo in sem mislila, da je mogoče testirana pa tudi ta, ki jo prodajajo v Slo. Čeprav vem, da so prepovedali take stvari, če se ne motim.
Tako je, leta 2013 je v EU začela veljati popolna prepoved testiranja kozmetičnih izdelkov na živalih. Nekatere države izven EU so podobno zakonodajo sprejele, določene pa niti ne pustijo uvoza produkta, če ga prej same ne stestirajo na živalih (kot je na primer Kitajska). Na žalost je tako…
Joj, res žalostno, da se dogajajo takšne stvari :/. Hvala za pojasnilo in se še enkrat opravičujem, če je mogoče izpadlo kot, da sem te napadla ali karkoli. Zdaj bom z večjim veseljem kupila kakšen njihov produkt 🙂 Lepo bodi
Ni problema, ne sekiraj se! Z veseljem odgovorim 😉
katerega okus je eos jajček? hvala
Medicated Tangerine, dobiš na Eos Adria 😉