Dragi bralci! Sama kar težko verjamem, da je za mano že eno leto v blogerskem svetu. Prva svečka upihnjena! Prav zato sem se odločila, da v tem času obdarim vas, moje spremljevalce. Na moji facebook strani Ajda Sitar lahko v tem času najdete različne nagradne igre, ta pa poteka na mojem blogu. Osvojite lahko čudovito Daniel Wellington uro po vašem izboru. Vse kar morate storiti (do 27.11.2013) je naslednje (prosim dopišite svoj mail naslov in imena s katerimi mi sledite):
Kliknite Všeč mi je na Facebook strani Daniel Wellington
Kliknite Follow na Instagram profilu @danielwellingtonwatches
Kliknite Join this site on Google Friend Connect
Kliknite Follow Ajdas na Bloglovin
Dodatne “točke” dobite, če storite naslednje:
Mi sledite na Twitterju @ajdasitar
Mi sledite na Instagramu @ajdasitar
foto: Domen Blenkuš
Done :))
Email: pirnat.sasa@gmail.com
Instagram: @sashapirnat
Vse drugo pa kot Saša Pirnat
Ajda, vsak dan te spremljam z veseljem, na tvojem blogu vedno najdem navdih za različne stajlinge in občudujem fotke
Sledim pa ti z imenom živa javeršek in pod imenom lavivavera na instagramu. Moj mail pa je tale: zivajaversek@gmail.com
Želim ti en fashionable večer in čestitke ob prvem rojstnem dnevu bloga
You look amazing <3 I love watch DW <3
super blog! čestitke za 1.svečko! 
Tina Kreslin
Facebook and Bloglovin: Dosta Radnjanska
Also extra entries
twitter and instagram @radnjanska
Liked Daniel Wellington on Facebook as Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
Follow @danielwellingtonwatches on Instagram, name: @irinagnatiuk
Following via GFC as Irina Gnatiuk
Following via Bloglovin as Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
Following you on Twitter as @IrinaZhoze
Following you on Instagram @irinagnatiuk
Email: marfusha-76@mail.ru
bloglovin: landing in fashion
fb: Lina Queen
twitter: @QueenLina91
instagram: landinginfashion
GFC: QueenLina
GORGEOUS !!! <3 <3 <3
Style-Squared ON BLOGGER
Style-Squared ON FACEBOOK
čestitke! Le tako naprej!
Email: majaa.berk@gmail.com
Instagram: majaberk
Facebook & bloglovin: Maja Berk
Čestitke! Le tako naprej, saj redno in zelo rada spremljam tvoj blog.
Email: majaa.berk@gmail.com
Instagram: majaberk
Facebook & bloglovin: Maja Berk
I love those watches ♥
I follow DW on FB : Loris Ayoub
Instagram: @lorisayoub
and GFC Loris Ayoub
I follow on twitter @rafucholoro
Instagram: @lorisayoub
done all
GFC: Cora
FB: Cora Gwen
Email: sacredline@libero.it
follow on twitter
GFC: Cora
FB: Cora Gwen
Email: sacredline@libero.it
This watch is pure elegance, great giveaway!
Cestitke za prvo svecko!
FB in Bloglovin: Urska Bacar
Istagram: @callmeurska
nardila, ful si želim tole urco
facebook & GFC : Simona Ribič
instagram: simoname0w
bloglovin: Simonca
twitter: Aciess
(storila vse + dodatne ''točke'')
Želim ti še naprej uspešno blogganje
Čestitke! mail je zulejka.javersek{at}gmail.com, povsod sem zulejka javersek ((ali s š-jem:))
Redno spremljam tvoj blog in Danielove ure so res amazing <3 Še čestitke z moje strani za 1. svečko in z veseljem jih pričakujemo še mnogo več.
Email: uinmypocket@gmail.com
FB&Bloglovin: Petra Kocjan
oo, kok super giveaway!! (:
Like Daniel Wellington on Facebook – done!
Follow @danielwellingtonwatches on Instagram – done! (itsallabout_blog)
Follow me via GFC (click Join this site on Google Friend Connect) – done! (Staša)
Follow me via Bloglovin – done! (Staša Vučkovič)
Follow me on Twitter @ajdasitar – done! (@stasa_v)
Follow me on Instagram @ajdasitar – done! (itsallabout_blog)
(: (tutifruti.stasha@gmail.com; stasavuckovic@gmail.com)
I would love to enter, but I don't have Insta!
Tudi jaz ti čestitam ob prvi upihnjeni svečki! Super blog, odlične fotke,le tko naprej.. top!
FB, TW done – Anja Češarek
Na insta seveda že sledim tebi in DW – anjabubi
Tudi jaz ti čestitam ob prvi upihnjeni svečki! Super blog, odlične fotke,le tko naprej.. top!
FB, TW done – Anja Češarek
Na insta seveda že sledim tebi in DW – anjabubi
Tudi jaz ti čestitam ob prvi upihnjeni svečki!
Super blog, vedno odlične fotke! Le tko naprej 

Urca je pa itak top!!!
FB – Anja Češarek
TW – anjacesarek
insta – anjabubi
fb trillina palemi
instagram trillina palemi
gfc trillina palemi
bloglovin trillina palemi
mail palemona@ibero.it
extra entry:
tw @trillina_palemi
instagram trillinapalemi
mail palemona@libero.it
Great giveaway! http://glamupyourlifestyle.blogspot.de/
Nice wathes! Follow you as OlivkovaYa, Ната Оливкова
FB: nataly.pohylchenko
tw: Daniela_ua
email: maslina131 @ gmail.com
Amazing giveaway, cute watch. best of luck to all
Gorgeous watch, and gorgeous knit.
congratulations on your one year!!! the blog is amazing!
GFC, FB, Bloglovin: Jasmina Berič
Twitter: @jasminaberic
IG: @jjasmineeb
email: beric.jasmina@gmail.com
I m very happy to discover your amazing world and follow you with pleasure!
thank you for this awesome giveaway!
FB:Jens Ken Lundstrom
GFC:Helena Oops
Shared the post:https://www.facebook.com/jens.lundstrom.33/posts/258168221003869
Crossed fingers!Have a great weekend!
you look gorgeous dear! xoxo
Que bonito reloj!!!
Čestitke ob prvi obletnici, keep up the good work! In res super giveaway.
Bloglovin: darcciana
instagram: @darcciana
Twitter: @darciana
mail: darrchy@gmail.com
Facebook: Dara Dobrijević
Love it <3
GFC. Lorna
FB. http://www.facebook.com/lornabao
Email. kumarablog (at) gmail.com
IG @kumarablog (follow both)
Twitter. @LornaBB
Thank you!
Lorna B.
Kumara Lifestyle
And thank you for hosting this giveaway!! Really hope to win it!!
Email: syadzwana.shori@gmail.com
Instagram username: syadzwana
Twitter name: car_mels
Oops forgot to add in one more detail,
Facebook name: syadzwana shori
I super Loved all of your post and outfits
Would you like to Follow Me on GOOGLE/GFC?
I'll gonna follow back as well. Its:
PS: Please, Enter my very first giveaway!
Don't miss a chance to win!
Just comment "DONE" if you're done following me on GFC.
here's the link: http://www.zelaldecoa.com/2013/11/dressale-giveaway-win-30-certificate.html
xx,You're Fab!:*
I super Loved all of your post and outfits
Would you like to Follow Me on GOOGLE/GFC?
I'll gonna follow back as well. Its:
PS: Please, Enter my very first giveaway!
Don't miss a chance to win!
Just comment "DONE" if you're done following me on GFC.
here's the link: http://www.zelaldecoa.com/2013/11/dressale-giveaway-win-30-certificate.html
xx,You're Fab!:*
Beautiful watch. Have a lovely weekend
Čestitke ob prvi upihnjeni svečki tvojega top blogganja!
..in še moji podatki:
Instagram : safarictina
Gmail: safaric.tina@gmail.com
Facebook: Tina Šafarič
Čestitke ob prvi upihnjeni svečki tvojega top blogganja! 
..in še moji podatki:
Instagram: safarictina
Gmail: safaric.tina@gmail.com
Twitter: TinaSafaric
Facebook: Tina Šafarič
Facebook: Petra Kos (Petra Mrkoci)
Instagram: @petrablack007
GFC: Petra Black
Bloglovin: Petra Black
extra entry:
Twitter: @petrablack007
Instagram: @petrablack007
Email: ladjica@gmail.com
Facebook: Barbara Zakošek
Instagram: @ladjica
GFC: Babisque
Bloglovin: babisque
Instagram: @ladjica
Facebook: Bianca Rogoveanu
Instagram: biancarogoveanu
GFC: Bianca Rogoveanu
Bloglovin : bubble10
Done the extra's too!
Twitter: @BiancaRogoveanu
Instagram: biancarogoveanu
Sicer z malo zamude, toda vseeno… vse najboljše za eno leto blogganja!
email: barbarapomaranca@gmail.com
fb: Barbara Hočevar
gfc: barbara
bloglovin: bpomaranca
instangran: bpomaranca
Vse najboljše za eno leto blogganja…super ti gre
email: barbarapomaranca@gamil.com
fb: Barbara Hočevar
instagram: bpomaranca
blogloviv: bpomaranca
gfc: barbara
Js ti pa samo čestitam ob prvi obletnici bloga, čas kar beži, ne?

Kar tako nadaljuj pa čim več takšnih čudovitih fotografij še naprej
done,crossing fingers!
emai cookiesmasher5@yahoo.com
fb Karin Shaim
bloglovin username:karins28
extra entries:
twitter @cookiesmasher9
instagram @karins28
Done <3
FB: Andrejka Spurná
gfc: andy spurná
email + bloglovin: aandyna123@gmail.com
twitter: @andyna123
thanks for chance <3
vau, tole pa je ena popolna stvar
čestitke za eno leto!
email: manca.zorko@gmail.com
fb: Manca Zorko
instagram: mancazorko
bloglovin: echomanca
done, thank you so much :-))
great giveaway!!
gfc: Emily Ss
fb: Emilka Haha
twitter @endyfu
email: natasa.zerajic@gmail.com
FB: Nataša Žerajić
instagram: natasazerajic
email: natasa.zerajic@gmail.com
FB: Nataša Žerajić
instagram: natasazerajic
Ful lepa ura! Sledim ti:
na Facebooku – Lucija Lončar
preko GFC – Lucija Lončar
via Bloglovin – lucika
moj email: lucija.loncar.91@gmail.com
email: elenat86@gmail.com
FB: Elena Toader
GFC: Elena
instagram: babygirlmvro
extra entries:
twitter: @babygirlmv
instagram: babygirlmvro
email: tea.sekula@gmail.com
FB: Tea Sekula
instagram: teasekula
GFC: .Lotii
bloglovin: Tea Sekula
Twitter: @jasminaberic
Instagram: @jjasmineeb
Bloglovin: Jasmina Berić
Facebook: Jasmina Berić
GFC: Jasmina Berić
e-mail: demureblog@gmail.com
Hej Ajda!
Sem izpolnila zgornje zahteve.
Na instagramu followam tebe in DanielWellingtonWathes pod imenom jeanninekobe. Moj mail je jeannine.kobe@gmail.com in povsod drugod me najdeš pod Jeannine/Jeannine Kobe.
Cestitke in si odlicna.
Instagram: drasek
Vse ostalo: Andreja Žilavec
Everything is done!:)
Twitter: @Slavica
Instagram: @kravicaslavica
Bloglovin: Slavica
FaceBook: Slavica Petkovic
GFC: Slavica Petkovic
e – mail: slavicapet60@gmail.com
I can' t leave this comment from my gmail account and I don' t know why, so I' m going to leave it as anonymous.:)
Email: ana.petrovic@me.com
FB: Ana Petrovič
Instagram: ancicapet
Instagram: @cherryemily
twitter: @emilysummer3
facebook: emily summer
bloglovin: emily summer
GFC: emily summer
e-mail: ninaglavac@gmail.com
i love all your post ! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
you look so lovely and beautiful
event hough i'm far away from your hometown , i still can wish you can pick me as the winner!
Daniel Wellington has been my favorite watch brand cause it's different from others , it offers us not only classy chic vintage watch , but they also manage to make their watch look modern and simple yet elegant ♥
i have entered all the entries
i have followed your Instagram , twitter , bloglovin , GFC , and liked your facebook page ♥
i also have shared this giveaway on my facebook's timeline ♥
not to forget , i have already followed Daniel Wellington on Instagram and liked them on facebook from long time ago
* i simply love to stalk them cause their watch are too beautiful , been eye-ing at those watches ♥ ♥ ♥ * :D:D
i also subscribed for the newsletter
this is my ID :
Instagram : @mikhaelanita
Twitter : @nitaReynita
Facebook : Reynita M.Chrislianti
GFC : Reynita Mikhaela
bloglovin : Reynita Mikhaela
email : nita.mrs1@gmail.com
thanks for hosting this giveaway! ♥
hope to hear the good news from you ajda
i love all your post ! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
you look so lovely and beautiful
event hough i'm far away from your hometown , i still can wish you can pick me as the winner!
Daniel Wellington has been my favorite watch brand cause it's different from others , it offers us not only classy chic vintage watch , but they also manage to make their watch look modern and simple yet elegant ♥
i have entered all the entries
i have followed your Instagram , twitter , bloglovin , GFC , and liked your facebook page ♥
i also have shared this giveaway on my facebook's timeline ♥
not to forget , i have already followed Daniel Wellington on Instagram and liked them on facebook from long time ago
* i simply love to stalk them cause their watch are too beautiful , been eye-ing at those watches ♥ ♥ ♥ * :D:D
i also subscribed for the newsletter
this is my ID :
Instagram : @mikhaelanita
Twitter : @nitaReynita
Facebook : Reynita M.Chrislianti
GFC : Reynita Mikhaela
bloglovin : Reynita Mikhaela
email : nita.mrs1@gmail.com
thanks for hosting this giveaway! ♥
hope to hear the good news from you ajda
i love all your post ! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
you look so lovely and beautiful
event hough i'm far away from your hometown , i still can wish you can pick me as the winner!
Daniel Wellington has been my favorite watch brand cause it's different from others , it offers us not only classy chic vintage watch , but they also manage to make their watch look modern and simple yet elegant ♥
i have entered all the entries
i have followed your Instagram , twitter , bloglovin , GFC , and liked your facebook page ♥
i also have shared this giveaway on my facebook's timeline ♥
not to forget , i have already followed Daniel Wellington on Instagram and liked them on facebook from long time ago
* i simply love to stalk them cause their watch are too beautiful , been eye-ing at those watches ♥ ♥ ♥ * :D:D
i also subscribed for the newsletter
this is my ID :
Instagram : @mikhaelanita
Twitter : @nitaReynita
Facebook : Reynita M.Chrislianti
GFC : Reynita Mikhaela
bloglovin : Reynita Mikhaela
email : nita.mrs1@gmail.com
thanks for hosting this giveaway! ♥
hope to hear the good news from you ajda
I would loveee to win, i'm following DW on Instagram + Facebook and you on Bloglovin + GFC. My email adress: styleofpurity@gmail.com.
Nimam gmaila, zato ti pišem takole ''anonimno''.
Čestitke za odličen blog!
Daniel Wellington urica bi mi zelo pasala na roko =)
Kliknila Všeč mi je na Facebook strani Daniel Wellington (storjeno-Sladka Mo)
Kliknila Follow na Instagram profilu @danielwellingtonwatches (storjeno-sweetstreet07)
Kliknila Follow Ajdas na Bloglovin (Storjeno – Sladka Mo)
Sledim na Twitterju @ajdasitar (Storjeno – Sladka Mo @sweetstreet07)
Sledim na Instagramu @ajdasitar (Storjeno – sweetstreet07)
All queries done!
my e-mail: bora.welt@yahoo.com
my name: Borbála
twitter: borasilye
All queries done!
my e-mail: bora.welt@yahoo.com
my name: Borbála
twitter: borasilye
All queries done!
my e-mail: bora.welt@yahoo.com
my name: Borbala
twitter: borasilye
All queries done!
my e-mail: bora.welt@yahoo.com
my name: Borbála
twitter: borasilye
All queries done!
my e-mail: bora.welt@yahoo.com
my name: Borbála
twitter: borasilye
Mail: mopjca.poglajen@yahoo.com
FB: Mojca Poglajen
instagram: @mojcapoglajen
Super ti gre! Kar tako naprej!
Super blog, lepe fotke in še lepša si ti!
Sodelujem v Giveaway-u.
MAil: pikajesen@gmail.com
FB: Pika Jesen
instagram: @pikajesen
Vse storjeno, le še nagradica manjka
The winner will be contacted by mail! Thank you all for entering.
Use code "AJDASITAR" and get 15% off of all products at http://www.danielwellington.com (until 24th December).