Vogue Festival London 1.del

After the most amazing news (getting the chance to travel with Stylight to the Vogue Festival in London), I immediately started planning my whole trip. I flew from Trieste to Stansted Airport and after arriving at the Number Sixteen Hotel, all the tiredness disappeared! Beyond amazing, small trendy hotel with a friendly atmosphere and elegant, precise décor, I was in heaven. It indeed is a great boutique hotel in a really nice location that will stay in my memory forever. I ended my day with a night walk to the Tower Bridge and a relaxing bath. I woke up full of energy (a delicious breakfast did help as well) ready to experience my first journey as blogger.

I took some photos (oh yes, I should’ve taken some more!) to share everything with you. See you soon, the best is yet to come! Those who follow me on Instagram @ajdasitar, already have an idea what an amazing trip I had…


  1. ponedeljek 6. maj 2013 / 10:15

    Woow, tole pa ni kar tko. Bravisimo. 🙂 Pa hotel deluje uber luškan, čist neki posebnega. 🙂

  2. ponedeljek 6. maj 2013 / 10:54

    waw ful lepe fotke, ful njami hrana, ful lepa ti!

  3. ponedeljek 6. maj 2013 / 11:07

    all so cute and glamour!!

    I wait for you dear!!
    Kisses Federica

  4. torek 7. maj 2013 / 14:20

    Amazing pictures dear! I want that berry's please! 😀

  5. torek 7. maj 2013 / 16:59

    this is my firts time visiting your blog, and I´m very glad for you, this was a great opportunity for you, I´m glad also because you upload all these photos of your adventure for us, makes me wanna blog even more, I´m the first guatemalan blogger and it has being very hard for me, now there´s more girls blogging but just a few… MY dream is to have some day an opportunity like this one =) Hope you can come and visit my blog, I´m excited when I know about bloggers that live so far away from here…
    kisses from Guatemala

  6. torek 7. maj 2013 / 17:04

    Jooj, kako pogrešam London! Ga bo treba spet malo it pogledat. Super fotke! 🙂

  7. torek 7. maj 2013 / 19:32

    wow i love such events, hotel is awesome 🙂 <3 great pics <3

  8. sreda 8. maj 2013 / 05:13

    waw lucky you 🙂 pa lepe fotke…sploh tiste s sadjem mmmmmm 🙂 človek postane lačen:)

  9. sreda 8. maj 2013 / 21:16

    Wonderful pictures, you are very pretty 🙂

  10. četrtek 9. maj 2013 / 09:22

    very nice pictures, london does look very beautiful!

  11. četrtek 9. maj 2013 / 12:52

    lovely pics ! 🙂


  12. četrtek 9. maj 2013 / 13:35

    The Vogue Festival must have been amazing! Love these photos!

  13. četrtek 9. maj 2013 / 20:39

    Amazing pictures and Nice blog. Would you like to follow each other? 🙂

  14. sreda 19. junij 2013 / 10:05

    Thank you all for your comments! It was beyond amazing in London!

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