Paradise Metal Art

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foto: Domen Blenkuš



  1. petek 31. maj 2013 / 08:40

    Aww.. Really love your blog and this giveaway too.

    GFC : Selma Dwi Hapsari


  2. petek 31. maj 2013 / 15:47

    Great ring, thank you for the giveaway!
    Following your blog via GFC, name: Irina Gnatiuk
    Liked your facebook page Ajda Sitar and Paradise Metal Art facebook page as Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk

  3. Anonymous
    petek 31. maj 2013 / 21:12

    Great ring, thank you for the giveaway!
    Following your blog via GFC, name: MIA MAJERR
    Liked your facebook page Ajda Sitar and Paradise Metal Art facebook page as Mia Majerr

  4. sobota 1. junij 2013 / 22:11

    fb liked ana amanti
    blovin va
    tumblemumbo at

  5. nedelja 2. junij 2013 / 16:14

    perfect everyday look!

    Nice blog. Would you like follow each other? Let me know. I always follow back 🙂

  6. nedelja 2. junij 2013 / 20:02

    wow beautiful ring … Predivan!!
    Follow via GFC medoKartonski, and follow via Facebook (Kunac Marija)

    Sretno svima!!

  7. ponedeljek 3. junij 2013 / 01:08

    This is such a great casual outfit, love the pretty necklace

  8. ponedeljek 3. junij 2013 / 02:54

    This Is a Great Giveaway. I like Giveaway.
    And you Look beautyful in your casula Outift.

  9. torek 4. junij 2013 / 20:03

    Fabulous style ! Your top is adorable 🙂

  10. četrtek 6. junij 2013 / 19:56

    simply lovely <3
    kisses :*

  11. nedelja 9. junij 2013 / 12:32

    Ended! The winner will be announced on my Instagram profle tomorrow.

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