OUTFIT: Walk In The Park

I’m looking forward to Spring and sunny days, however April is not really the best month to expect them. Meanwhile, the season of coats is coming to its end and I must admit that I’ll miss classic silhouettes and all those amazing materials. Jackets and trench coats will get their place in my outfit posts, some more open toe shoes and light materials as well! Can’t wait! These photos were taken by a Slovenian photographer Luka Gorjup, who is also my friend from my track&filed carrier.

It’s Philips Fashion Week time here in Slovenia, and that’s all our fashion scene is talking about. I’m looking forward to post my fashion week outfits, the collections of Slovenian designers and all the gatherings. You should follow me on Instagram @ajdasitar to be up to date with everything in the meanwhile!

MaxMara Camel Coat
Borseto Leather Bag
Replay Black Jeans
H&M Blazer
Zara Shirt
TopShop Necklace
Alimonada Bracelets
Alimonada Rings
LilyLolo Lipstick – Demure
photo: Luka Gorjup



  1. torek 9. april 2013 / 08:05

    stunning outfit!!
    There is a new post that wait for you!!
    Federica smartchicdietreadbooksandfly.blogspot.it

  2. torek 9. april 2013 / 08:12

    Hehe takoj sem opazila kako lepo šminko imaš :).

  3. torek 9. april 2013 / 08:15

    So beautiful!
    Your coat is amazing)

  4. torek 9. april 2013 / 08:22

    prekrasno:) i fotografije su divne.

    ja bi rekla da će mi nedostajat kaputi, ali pošto ih još nosim nema potrebe. Malo je proljeće zakasnilo, ali nema veze.

  5. torek 9. april 2013 / 09:07

    That necklace is out of the world…


  6. torek 9. april 2013 / 09:07

    I love your coat!This outfit is so beautiful!!
    Kisses dear

  7. torek 9. april 2013 / 09:58

    great coat and bag!


  8. torek 9. april 2013 / 10:17

    Prelepo.. plašček je super!


  9. torek 9. april 2013 / 14:31

    beautiful! I am greeting and I am inviting to us to the new fast

  10. torek 9. april 2013 / 16:59

    This outfit is so stylish! And i love the bag, is so pretty 🙂 Espero que andes bien, abrazos!

  11. sreda 10. april 2013 / 00:00

    You are such a cute girl with amazing eyes ! My eyes are green too.

    I love Your style ! lovely

    have a beautiful day sweetie

  12. sreda 10. april 2013 / 03:57

    You look gorgeous and classic. I love the bag!

  13. sreda 10. april 2013 / 12:43

    Hi dear, how are you? I love this slick sophistication of this outfit and the well paired neutrals. You look so classy and chic.

  14. sreda 10. april 2013 / 14:01

    great coat!! would you like to follow each other!

  15. četrtek 11. april 2013 / 14:20

    Well don't miss them too much because they will come by soon (I mean the cold weather lol) but I am seriously looking forward to Spring so that there's more colour and relaxing, laid back pretty outfit to your closet <3

    (I secretly like to dress up in winter if the condition permits and where I don't look like a giant snowball <3)


  16. petek 12. april 2013 / 14:28

    Noro lep, ženstven outfit 🙂

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