Sismade Statement

I’m a huge fan of statement jewelry! I absolutely love necklaces that are special, which can be perfectly combined with simple elegant outfits. Sisters Georgia and Helen create under the name SisMade, and thanks to them I became a proud owner of two nautically inspired statement necklaces and three cute bracelets. I love the black one made out of rope into an estetically interesting knot. The other one is more elegant with golden details and goes great with the bracelets. They’ll be perfect for Spring and Summer…

These photos were made as a part of a photoshoot with Domen Blenkuš for my new blog header. Coming soon, can’t wait to show it to you guys!

jewelry: SisMade
photo: Domen Blenkuš
make up: Aleksandra Nikolič
hair: Lasek
special thanks to: Sanda and Miro Fajfarič




  1. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 09:37

    Wow, i think the black necklace (first one) is amazing! Looks good with your hair and you're makeup is gorgeous too!

    Style of Purity

  2. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 10:17

    Pretty pictures and definitly stunning

  3. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 10:18

    pretty pictures and definitely stunning necklaces. Thanks for sharing, since I have never heard before of that designer.
    I favorite the knot black one though

    Xx from Tokyo,
    Nana from na-ta-ri

  4. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 10:21

    Hi dear, the photos came out beautifully! Love the neckpiece.

  5. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 13:14

    Great photos! Love the necklaces!

  6. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 15:43

    Me gusta el negro, ideal para diversos looks


  7. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 18:26

    You look amazing! Love the first necklace! *

  8. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 19:25

    What beautyful pictures. I Love the statement necklaces.

  9. Kiara
    ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 21:39

    Amazing photos! You are so beautiful!

  10. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 22:09

    These photos are absolutely beautiful!
    Your writing style is a joy to read!
    Would love to follow each other on GFC & Bloglovin?
    Let me know with a comment and I always follow back.
    Lots of love from London.
    Love G xx

  11. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 23:03

    absolutely perfection <3

  12. torek 5. marec 2013 / 06:47

    Those necklaces are absolutely lovely!

  13. torek 5. marec 2013 / 16:54

    Gorgeous pictures, and I love that black necklace!

    xo Sootjeelina

  14. torek 5. marec 2013 / 17:44

    You look so beautiful dear:) great make-up and hair!!

  15. Fashion P
    torek 5. marec 2013 / 19:08

    Amazing jewelry! You look stunning!

  16. torek 5. marec 2013 / 19:31

    Amazing shoots!

  17. torek 5. marec 2013 / 19:43

    wow you are sooo pretty! this photos are AMAZING!!! <3

  18. torek 5. marec 2013 / 19:59

    I love the black necklace!!

  19. torek 5. marec 2013 / 20:18


  20. sreda 6. marec 2013 / 02:53

    Really beautiful! Thank you for visiting my blog! Perhaps we could follow each other? Following you now, hope to see you back.

    xo Lulu

  21. sreda 6. marec 2013 / 07:46

    Whoa those are really REALLY gorgeous pictures and I second your love for statement necklace! Can't wait for your new blog header <3

  22. Anonymous
    sreda 6. marec 2013 / 09:35

    Prelepe fotografije!
    Pozdravček, Tina

  23. četrtek 7. marec 2013 / 22:07

    Fabulous necklace 🙂

  24. ponedeljek 18. marec 2013 / 23:46

    Thank you for your lovely comments!

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