Preppy II

At this same moment, while you’re reading this post, I’m in the Slovenian mountains, having fun on the snow, drinking some hot tea, hopefully on another sunny day. I fell in love with skiing the moment I got my first little skis and my mother tought me how to make a curve. My weekend in the mountains’s going to be a relaxing and enjoying break from the urban lifestyle.

For this outfit post I decided to go for an unusual color combination. Brown trousers, purple blazer, light pink shirt, forest green coat and beige boots. It actually came out really well. The day was super amazing! Gosh, I can’t wait for Spring and Summer…


  • Mango Coat
  • Sisley Trousers
  • H&M Blazer
  • Sinequanone Shirt
  • Daniel Wellington Watch
  • Ray Ban Sunglasses
photo: Miroslav Rajkovic


  1. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 09:10

    Great look and pics 🙂

  2. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 10:01

    these photos look like something from a fashion magizene and the outfit is lovely! x

  3. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 13:38

    love your coat!

  4. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 15:43

    So elegant! Classy! Are you for real? 🙂

  5. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 18:01

    Hey you! We used to follow each other on Bloglovin – But I had to change something on my blog so now I've lost ALL my followers on Bloglovin!! Wanna follow again? This is the link to my blog:
    xoxo Amalie

  6. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 20:26

    Wow, I your skiing dress is only a little bit as awesome as your outfit of this post you´re the princess on the ski piste 🙂

    My lovely husband and my kids was skiing this weekend too, this is easy for us, because we live near the mountains …


  7. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 22:13

    jako profesionalne fotografije, oduševljena sam, a i outfit je super!

  8. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 22:35

    great outfit, you look super cute.

  9. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 07:19

    among all your posts, this is my fave so far!
    the entire look was just seemingly perfect 🙂

  10. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 09:56

    Amazing coat, you look stunning in this outfit x

  11. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 12:24

    I love the coat you have on! Skiing must be fun, I've never been before! 🙁

  12. BritaW
    ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 12:53

    Amazing photos! Will there be some photos from the skiiting trip???

  13. Anonymous
    ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 15:51

    Moj nov najljubši slovenski modni blog! Perfektna si!
    Škoda edino, ker ne pišeš tudi v slovenščini 🙂
    Lp, Tina

  14. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 16:47

    Great pics!!I like your blog. What about following each other?

  15. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 18:01

    Wow, these photo are totally gorgeous! Amazing style!

  16. ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 20:53

    reat shots! you look lovely!

  17. LilyT
    torek 19. februar 2013 / 09:44

    You have amazing hair! I love your blog!!!!

  18. torek 19. februar 2013 / 11:53

    so chic and baeautiful <3 love these photos !

  19. torek 19. februar 2013 / 13:14

    hey, oh wow we like your blog, would you like follow eachother? we starts and follow you on gfc and bloglovin! please do the same, hugs the twins from

  20. torek 19. februar 2013 / 18:02

    Awesome post, you look amazing!

  21. torek 19. februar 2013 / 23:42

    following you via gfc =)
    wanna follow each other via bloglovin too? ^^

    check out my new post ^^

  22. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 08:45

    Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your suit, what a great color and that coat is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your boots rock! Your have a lovely blog by the way and I am a new follower on GFC and Bloglovin! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Also make sure and enter my new giveaway for a chance to win an amazing evening bag!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  23. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 18:16

    you hace very beautiful pictures! a real model 😉

    comment/follow me, I comment/follow back!

  24. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 23:31

    Tale post je perfection! Super slike, popoln outfit, čudoviti lasje… <3

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