Paint The Town Red

These photos were made a few days ago, I just didn’t have the time to post them. I’ve been really busy these days! Today I had a photoshoot with a young artist. Tommorow we’ll go over the photos and pick the best. Can’t wait to see the result!

You can spot me wearing these red trousers in one of the previous posts (Mensewar-Inspired Preppy Look). I really love the skinny trousers which can be worn in different combinations. The difference between these two outfits is so noticeable, you don’t even think that you’re looking at the same piece. A big part of doing-fashion is the “science” of wearing stuff you have in your closet in a million ways, exploring and mixing them again and again.

  • Pepe Jeans Red Trousers
  • Asos Body
  • Zara Blazer
  • Furla Bangle
  • Topshop Ring
  • Zara Clutch

photo: Aida Šabić


  1. ponedeljek 4. februar 2013 / 10:52

    🙂 Lepe fotke.
    Aida Šabić obvlada!

  2. ponedeljek 4. februar 2013 / 12:56

    Mah sej vem, da se ponavljam, ampak čudovita si!

  3. ponedeljek 4. februar 2013 / 13:53

    I love the color of your pans! The blazer looks great with them! 😀

  4. torek 5. februar 2013 / 01:24

    I have the same bodysuit – it's hot – and great bracelet. xA

  5. torek 5. februar 2013 / 11:44

    I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog, it's stunning!
    I love this style and the others I've seen so far from scrolling through, you definitely suit that red lipstick!


  6. torek 5. februar 2013 / 15:29

    Love your bag and blazer so much!! And so lovely and romantic hair!!

  7. torek 5. februar 2013 / 20:25

    Girl, you are gorgeous!! I love that clutch and those amazing red pants

    jamie sarah

  8. torek 5. februar 2013 / 23:24

    u're beautiful dear, and your look is great!!!
    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. now following u back via gfc and bloglovin (n99) and looking forward to your future posts! maybe we can also keep in touch via fb? let me know 🙂

  9. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 00:45

    love your top! you are goddess-like! 🙂

    • ponedeljek 18. februar 2013 / 15:28

      I agree, I wear t without a bra 🙂

  10. petek 8. februar 2013 / 01:25

    wow!!! you're so beautiful, so chic and so elegant!! 😀
    thanks for follow me!
    follow you back on GFC (veronica_micia) and on Bloglovin (n.112)

  11. petek 8. februar 2013 / 16:53

    i wish i was daring enough to wear flamin' red pants 😛


    shannon marie

    (PS. i did check out your give away, thanks so much for giving me the heads up about it, unfortunately i don't have a facebook so i can't give it a go ): but definitely cool! thanks again!)

  12. nedelja 10. februar 2013 / 11:48

    Perfect outfit ! Your top is fabulous 🙂

  13. nedelja 10. februar 2013 / 14:03

    This outfit is so gorgeous, especially I love white blazer and red lipstick!

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