Eat your heart out

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” (Oscar Wilde)

  • Versace Coat
  • Zara Jumpsuit
  • BunnyBeCool 14k Gold Bracelet
photo: Miroslav Rajković


  1. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 12:55

    fantastic quote up there by Oscar wilde, you look fantastic girl.. lurv your coat.

  2. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 13:27

    awesome pics!!
    kisses dear :*

  3. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 14:24

    Wow I thought this was a magazine editorial! You look amazing! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more 🙂 🙂

  4. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 14:47

    Amazing love the whole black and white style!


  5. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 15:17

    I'm loving these pics so much!

  6. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 18:07

    love tis photoshoot* gorgeous! <3

  7. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 20:56

    love the first and the third one! breathtaking my love!

    The Blossom Girls♡

  8. sreda 20. februar 2013 / 23:04

    Beautiful pictures my dear! your blog is so lovely!:)
    we can follow each other if you want :

  9. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 06:42

    You are beautiful!! love the black and white photos. Such a great blog 🙂 Thanks for your comment and your follow. I now am following you back. Looking forward to future posts!!

    The Rancher's Daughter

  10. Anonymous
    četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 09:31

    najboljši slovenski blog o modi!

  11. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 10:39

    omg!!!! love this pics!!!!!!! cant find the words to describe how beautiful you are 😀 !!!

    And O.Wirdes words are so true!!!

    Lovely regards!

  12. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 11:27

    I'm sorry, I mean I'm following you, wait for you to follow back!!!

    • četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 11:39

      Fabrizia, I'm following you via GFC and Bloglovin! 🙂

  13. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 11:54

    are there any photos which you look bad in? stunning!
    xx Vanes

  14. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 12:48

    True quotes. I love this post! These pictures are amazing. Nice look 🙂

  15. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 12:54

    these are such stunning photos, youre so gorgeous!

    love from the NANA girls xoxo

  16. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 15:45

    Lovely look! Great pictures!
    Wanna follow each other? Let me know!


  17. četrtek 21. februar 2013 / 15:47

    Čudovite fotke! Vse pohvale, res si čudovita in tvoj blog je čudovit.

  18. petek 22. februar 2013 / 07:03

    simply amazing…….

  19. petek 22. februar 2013 / 13:14

    great photoshoot and loved the coat! 🙂

  20. Anonymous
    sobota 23. februar 2013 / 17:08

    totalno hude fotke!

  21. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 18:25

    WOW your blog is amazing! Your pictures are so professional! I've followed you 🙂 x

  22. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 22:01

    Great outfit, wonderful Pictures. I like you blog. What do your think about following each other. Let me know, I follow back

  23. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 08:16

    OMG Gorgeous look and amazing pics ! I'm in love with the first one – like from a good fashion magazine <3 !

  24. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 21:28

    You look like a fabolous spy! Need to illustrate you sometime!! XOXO

  25. ponedeljek 25. februar 2013 / 10:10

    Great pics and the coat is amazing!

  26. sreda 6. marec 2013 / 13:27

    Gorgeous Shooting! I love your hair and make-up. Sophisticated and elegant!

    by Ankie

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