GIVEAWAY: Daniel Wellington

You must have seen me wearing the Daniel Wellington watch in some of the outfit posts. I must admit, I wear it really often due to it’s classic, clean and elegant look. And I’m probably not the only one who is crazy about DW watches. They made a huge “boom”! I teamed up with the Daniel Wellington team to give one of you a chance to win a watch of your choice! This giveaway is open worldwide until 10th of March.

All you need to do is the following:

  • Follow me via GFC (leave a name you follow under)
  • Follow me via Bloglovin (leave a number you follow under)
  • Like Daniel Wellington Facebook Page
  • Leave a comment below with you email address and a link of the watch you’d love to have.

Until the 10th of March you can get 15% off by entering the code “asilosofy” if buying.




  1. petek 22. februar 2013 / 10:07

    liked fb ana amanti
    blovin follower
    classic st andrews watch for men or women .

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  2. petek 22. februar 2013 / 10:08

    156 follower on bloglovin thanks

  3. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 01:17

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. You have a really nice blog too.
    Have a great weekend. xoxoxo

  4. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 07:04

    I love the coat you have on! Great layering! 😀

  5. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 09:05

    lijepo, super fotografije…. ja se neću pridružit jer nemam fb, a ni ne nosim satove.

  6. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 12:11

    Very nice blog! I follow you now via GFC,bloglovin and twitter. I would appreciate if you stop by my blog 🙂


  7. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 20:36

    The pictures of your blog really impress me!! The quality is amazing! And of course this watch is amazing too!!


    Julia from

  8. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 21:08

    I'm your 176th follower on bloglovin ^^
    keep in touch <3

  9. sobota 23. februar 2013 / 21:49

    I love your blog:)
    I follow you!
    Xox Clàudia

  10. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 06:35

    I am holding a giveaway too 🙂

    …。…。…。…。…。…。…。 …。…。…。…。…。

    *May I invite you to my giveaway?

    I am giving out a USD$39.95 gift card from Casetagram! You could design your own iPhone 4/4s/5 or Samsung S2/S3/Note/Note2 smartphone cases!

    christian | my blog :

  11. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 07:18

    Like always, awesome pics! And what a great giveaway unfortunatly I cant tell time without numbers. Haha I know its weird :p


  12. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 07:59

    Done and liked shared!
    E-mail –
    GFC: Modonika
    I would like to have the same you are wearing it. Its lovely. You are looking gorgeous, I like your elegance with hi-fashion statement.
    Blogvin: Modonika (I do not the number. so writing my name with which i am following you.)
    I hvnt ever won..x…x fingers!may be
    Please visit and join my blog lovely bloggers and get the favor back.

  13. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 09:13

    thanks for your comment on my blog, and I really like your. Btw nice outfit 🙂

  14. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 19:22

    Sorry I forgot to put what number I am in your followers.. 🙂 It's 482. 🙂

  15. nedelja 24. februar 2013 / 19:23

    P.S, like to have the Sheffield Lady. Thanks for this giveaway!:)

  16. ponedeljek 25. februar 2013 / 11:13

    Fabulous watch and you are beautiful 🙂

  17. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 19:11

    I love the pictures and the giveaway!


  18. ponedeljek 4. marec 2013 / 22:43

    email –
    facebook name – Ewelina Judyta
    gfc – Ewelina Jezierska
    fav watch -

  19. petek 8. marec 2013 / 22:53

    Lovely blog! Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know!


  20. sobota 9. marec 2013 / 13:40

    Love Classic Oxford Lady 🙂 thanks for this chance!

    GFC: sherry86
    FB: Lucia Izzo
    (I don't know the number because I'm an old follower!)

  21. nedelja 17. marec 2013 / 18:54

    The winner was contacted by email 🙂 Her watch is on the way.
    New giveaway on 20th March 🙂

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