
Dear readers! I have another surprise for you! Together with the amazing BunnyBeCool jewelry store, I am giving you a chance to win a Jackie Bracelet Black spinel! One of you will get the same bracelet as I did, made out of black spinel gemstone and 14Kt gold! I love it because it’s classic, but at the same time something special. Black Spinel Gemstone is said to bring you wealth and prosperity, encourage passion and devotion.

photo: Miroslav Rajkovic



  1. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 11:12

    Amazing giveaway 🙂
    I follow your blog via GFC with Katharina
    Also follow via bloglovin' (no 1) 😉
    And liked the page with Katharina T….. (I don't want to say my name)(no 554)
    crazzzymodel @ googlemail . com


    • sreda 6. februar 2013 / 12:24

      Me neither! Maybe this time luck will be on your side! 🙂

  2. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 13:12

    you look so amazing 🙂
    i follow you, PAULA

  3. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 14:46

    Great pictures! I really love the lighting in your pictures!! 🙂
    THis giveaway is such a cute idea! The bracelet is really pretty 🙂

    Hope you have an awesome day! 🙂

    xoxo M*


  4. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 16:08

    nice giveaway. these are beautiful pictures.


  5. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 16:43

    Great giveaway, thats such a pretty bracelet! thanks so much for your visit, I hope you are having a great week so far.

    • petek 8. februar 2013 / 13:01

      Ooops I forgot to add usernames .
      GFC : Noor Unnahar
      Bloglovin' : I've been following you , dunno the number ;D
      Facebook : Noor Unnahar

  6. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 18:07

    – Evo všečkala FB stran z imenom Fatalna Erika
    – Sledim GFC z imenom Fatalna Si (s tem mailom, mislim, da je tudi ime tako)
    – Na Bloglovin strani ti že nekaj časa sledim in pojma nimam, katero številko imam oz. katera številka je sploh mišljena, mi lahko namigneš kje najdem to številko?
    – moj mail je pa: fatalna.si@gmail.com

    Zdej pa držim pesti, ker tale zapestnica je pa res čudovita!

    • sreda 6. februar 2013 / 18:24

      Super. Ne mores vedeti, ce ze od prej:) To velja bolj za nove.

    • sreda 6. februar 2013 / 18:40

      O cool potem pa sem vse izpolnila, zdaj pa lahko samo še čakam 😀

  7. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 21:01

    Thanks for popping by my blog to let me know about this giveaway! My email is ChickadeeSays@gmail.com and I liked BunnyBeCool on Facebook. I've followed you on Bloglovin and GFC for a while now so I am not sure what numbers I am!

    xx Kait


  8. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 21:03

    Great giveway!! I can't join it because I cancelled my facebook account some time ago, security issues :S
    Thank you so much for stopping by & following!!!! I’m following you back now on GFC (#384)….and bloglovin (#106)
    Keep in touch sweetie, hope you have a nice evening and a fabulous week ahead<3


    "Saúde & Beleza – Health & Beauty"

  9. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 21:29

    Thank you so much! Happy to follow back! 🙂

  10. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 22:15

    Good luck to everyone taking part in this!
    And thanks so much for commenting, dear!

    Have a great week,

  11. sreda 6. februar 2013 / 22:49

    Ta zapestnica je tako šik in elegantna, da si jo res želim podariti sestri za njen 22. rojstni dan!:)
    *fingers crossed*

    Sem všečkala BunnyBeCool FB stran.
    GFC: AZupan
    Bloglovin: žal se ne spomnim več številke.
    email: anya.zupy@gmail.com

  12. četrtek 7. februar 2013 / 22:40

    sooo elegant! would you like to follow each other on GFC, facebook and bloglovin?? let me know dear:))


  13. četrtek 7. februar 2013 / 23:00

    Thank you kindly for your visit..Hope you have a wonderful Friday doll!

  14. petek 8. februar 2013 / 07:35

    Such an amazing pictures dear!!! lovely pieces!

  15. petek 8. februar 2013 / 07:46

    Hi dear, thank you so much for following me, I follow you back on GFC and BLOGLOVIN, xoxo

  16. sobota 9. februar 2013 / 00:42

    cool giveaway! just so amazing! 🙂


  17. sobota 9. februar 2013 / 16:26

    awesome giveaway! Is this an international giveaway?

    P.S: Followed you back! Thanks for dropping by on my blog. You're so pretty. <3

    DAINTY CHIC by Loila L.

  18. nedelja 10. februar 2013 / 11:47

    Those bracelets are so cute 🙂

  19. ponedeljek 11. februar 2013 / 10:46

    Ajda, super blog! Sem ga šele danes odkrila 🙂 In te fotke so zakon, prav tako zapestnica! Tako, da se še jaz prijavljam 😉 Pa upam, da bomo kmalu spet kaj skupaj delali.

    GFC Anja Kert
    bloglovin 121

    mail anjakert@gmail.com

  20. ponedeljek 11. februar 2013 / 18:14

    Gorgeous bracelet! I love it.


  21. ponedeljek 11. februar 2013 / 22:12

    Loveee it! I'm in
    I liked the facebook page, I follow you through GFC (my name is Sanne or Sanne96 something like that, I'm not real sure, anyway I'm your 402th follower) I follow you at bloglovin, follower number 123 🙂
    my email is: dutch-beauty@hotmail.nl


  22. torek 12. februar 2013 / 14:54

    Še en super blog, ki sem ga danes našla 🙂
    FB – done! 585 všečkov D.K.
    Bloglovin 124 ali 125 (nisem čisto prepričana)
    GFC – ElleKontra

  23. torek 12. februar 2013 / 22:18

    Hi,great giveaway.If you want to promote your giveaway,you are welcome to our route, a place where your contest will be spread worldwide. It is completely free, the only thing you have to do is to submit your giveaway through the submit form .
    Have a nice day!

  24. sreda 13. februar 2013 / 17:44

    gfc miha.ela
    fb mihaela pojogu
    e-mail/bloglovin mihaela.mihordea at gmail.com

  25. četrtek 14. februar 2013 / 22:40

    Great giveaway! *_*
    Please enter me…

    GFC: Francesca
    FB: Francesca Biondina
    Email: redicoppe@inwind.it

    I hope to win… finger crossed! 😉

  26. četrtek 14. februar 2013 / 23:40

    Awesome giveaway! Enter me please! 🙂

    GFC: floryfrancy
    FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri
    Bloglovin': 132
    e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it

    Finger crossed! 😉

  27. petek 15. februar 2013 / 12:24

    enter me thanks
    GFC/FB: Chicca Tamburrino
    e-mail/bloglovin’: pleadi@inwind.it
    number of bloglovin': 137

  28. petek 15. februar 2013 / 14:54

    Love this giveaway! <3
    GFC Audrey18
    FB Adriana Sorrentino
    I follow on bloglovin number 139

    email a.d.r.y@live.it

  29. sobota 16. februar 2013 / 16:32

    amazing giveaway…thanks!!!
    gfc: dede81
    fb: sara martino
    bloglovin number 143
    email/bloglovin: frale81@gmail.com

  30. nedelja 17. februar 2013 / 18:48

    All done 🙂

    GFC: sherry86
    FB: Lucia Izzo
    bloglovin follower: 145
    email: fairywitch86[at]libero.it

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