
 “When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.” (Christy Turlington).

I made some plans for the near future, some of them regard my blog as well. You’ll be facing a new section, and it will be all about balancing our body, mind and spirit. Doing it my way! As many of you know, I hold a Miss Sports Slovenia title. Sports have always played an important role in my life. Born as a child of an ex-professional alpine skier and an alpine climber, I was very active all the time. After beating astma, I ended up in track&field athletics and mountain running. Fell in love with it, made it to European and World Championships twice, representing my country on international meetings… After winning Miss Sports Slovenia in 2009, I landed in fashion industry. Got a clue? Yes, we’ll be talking about keeping ourselves fit.

  • Zara Beige Shirt
  • Zara Jacket
  • Forever 21 Jeans
  • Bracelet and Ring from Ring & Tings
  • Daniel Wellington watch
photo: Aida Šabić


  1. sreda 30. januar 2013 / 08:35

    Looking forward to your new section! 😀 I love the bracelet and ring you have on 🙂

  2. sreda 30. januar 2013 / 08:58

    Lepa si, tudi v prejšnji objavi. Komaj čakam navo rubriko 😉

  3. sreda 30. januar 2013 / 12:09

    OMG !!!! You are really beautiful in Natural style 🙂 If you want come into my blog, and tell me what you think about this Post about the trend exhibited on Macef 2013 !!! Kiss from Italy !

  4. sreda 30. januar 2013 / 14:42

    you are beautiful.

  5. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 00:40

    you are absolutely beautiful…i love your hair!
    Great post 🙂

  6. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 01:09

    you look gorgeous as always. your eye color is really pretty. is it like greyish blue? I am excited to read your posts on balanced life-health.

    • sreda 6. februar 2013 / 11:20

      Probably the mix of gray, blue and green. Mostly people say they are green 🙂

  7. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 04:34

    You look great Thanks for checking my blog! I'm following!

  8. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 08:00

    You are so pretty!

    Have the loveliest day,

  9. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 09:56

    nice post!looking forward to the new section!

  10. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 12:42

    You look stunning! And OMG your hairs! love it!


    Julia from

  11. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 14:58

    cute bracelet & watch! :)))

  12. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 16:19

    Beautiful look! 🙂 Adore your makeup too!

    xx pauline

  13. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 18:08

    Following you!
    You have a very beautiful looks! 🙂

  14. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 19:12

    OMG…..I'm speechless….you're stunningly beautiful!!!!! Love the jacket and the accessories! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin’? I promise I’ll follow you back <3


    "Saúde & Beleza – Health & Beauty"

  15. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 19:43

    You look a bit like Heidi Montag in the first picture 🙂 Following you too x

  16. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 20:07

    thank you for following! I´m really looking forward to your new posts!:)
    xx Vanes

  17. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 22:20

    Idealnie jak dla mnie.
    Piękne masz włosy <3

  18. četrtek 31. januar 2013 / 23:40

    I have dark hair and I want to be blonde like you;)

  19. petek 1. februar 2013 / 00:06

    Hi dear, you look so pretty, great photos, following too. Thanks for your visit..Have a great Friday!

  20. petek 1. februar 2013 / 02:40

    O M G))))) U look so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! like ur blog and follow 4 u!!!

  21. petek 1. februar 2013 / 10:02

    Great post! please check out my blog and if you like it, please follow me on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you! xx

  22. petek 1. februar 2013 / 20:25

    Cute jewelry and sexy hair! 🙂
    Wondering if you would like to follow each other?:)
    Please let me know! I will be happy to follow back!

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