A Few Shades of Gray

Reading about the 50 Shades of Gray, I just needed to make this outfit post! I’m wearing a black see-through shirt under the ribbed gray sweater, accessorised with Verja.art black brooch and Milani howlite necklece. Did you know that howlite is semi-precious stone that helps to calm down, relieve stress and overcome barriers? You can also find a photo with my blogger friend Saša, a blogger at Sasha’s portfolio blog.

  • United Colours of Benneton gray sweater
  • H&M black shirt
  • H&M velvet burgundy pants
  • Verja.art brooch
  • Milani necklece
photo: Lea Perovšek




  1. petek 7. december 2012 / 10:23

    It's great 🙂 I once made an outfit named fifty shades of pink. With a lot of pink patterns and buttons =)
    This brooch is looking sweet 🙂

    Aree With Umbrella

  2. petek 7. december 2012 / 10:23

    Skupna fotka s Saško…neprecenljiva! =)

  3. petek 7. december 2012 / 11:25

    You look nice!

  4. petek 7. december 2012 / 11:59

    Thank you dear for your nice comment!! I follow you back with bloglovin and gfc with great pleasure, kisses and see you soon ;)Paolo

  5. petek 7. december 2012 / 13:29

    your sweater is sooooo chick! 🙂


  6. petek 7. december 2012 / 15:49

    Hello, I just find your blog thanks to N@ny because you and me are nominated in her last post…
    Your look is so beautiful and I'm currently reading the 50 Shades of Gray this days !!! I'm now following you, follow me back if you like !
    Kiss from Paris
    Charlotte from Trip in my dressing

  7. petek 7. december 2012 / 16:23

    I think I need that neckpiece so badly 🙂
    gorgeous look hun, brilliant combination and that brooch look so natural..
    thanks for following my blog, just followed you back


  8. petek 7. december 2012 / 17:20

    So pretty! love the sweater and necklace 🙂


  9. petek 7. december 2012 / 22:24

    you're so beautiful<3 amazng hair & necklace!

  10. petek 7. december 2012 / 23:48

    such great style! you look stunning hun!! wanna stay in touch with Google/FB if you want 🙂 Wld love to see u over at my blog!

  11. nedelja 9. december 2012 / 02:32

    Ah I love this, your necklace is adorable!

  12. četrtek 13. december 2012 / 06:39

    You look stunning! Love you oxblood pants! I am your new follower! Would you like to follow me back?

  13. sobota 15. december 2012 / 11:35

    hello dear :)!
    love your look and your blog is amazing…
    would you like to follow each other?


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