Blaming Disney for your high expectations of men is one way to go. Media (TV, magazines etc.) has been filling our heads with images of perfect men all looking as the hottest actors out there doing all sorts of romantic and heroic “stunts”. No wonder millions of women are sitting at home alone or complaining no one fits the image of the ideal man. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with having high expectations of men, the opposite – you shouldn’t be satisfied with someone who doesn’t fit your standards! However, you should not forget to step outside the box, set your own (and not fairytale) standards and let him have his own personality as well. The ideal man is a myth and a reality at the same time.
jaz menim, da je idealen moški mit. v resničnosti pa iščem nekoga, ki bo idealnemu čim bližje! 🙂
Great post dear, exactly what I feel! I would totally blame it on Disney, but anyway, I still love all their movies and the fairy tale dreams, we just have to be able to separate fiction from reality, the dream from the truth.