Winter scents by 4711 Acqua Colonia + giveaway

4711 Acqua Colonia

Even though nothing beats the smell of fresh baked home-made cookies and mulled wine, this winter season I’ve been enjoying two fragrances that are a bit different. The brand 4711 has convinced me with their two limited edition Eau de Cologne of Acqua Colonia by Mäurer & Wirtz. The Red Apple & Chilli scent won my heart in a second, being warm, sweet and spicy at the same time. While Plum & Honey has been warming my heart for the past few days, being a bit more profound/deep and sweet. Now that it’s officially winter, they both suit my mood nicely, being the perfect choice for this chilly season. I’ve always appreciated fragrances with an unexpected twist, they bring freshness and endless possibilities of mixing them up in to my beauty routine.

GIVEAWAY: Win one of two limited edition fragrances by 4711. Enter via Instagram or this blog post, follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook and leave a comment below. You have until 12. January 2017.

photo: Katarina Veselič

4711 Acqua Colonia
4711 Acqua Colonia
4711 Acqua Colonia
4711 Acqua Colonia
4711 Acqua Colonia
4711 Acqua Colonia Plum & Honey
4711 Acqua Colonia Red Apple & Chilli


  1. Sabina
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 11:52 AM

    Parfumčka zgledata ful fajn. Še posebaj me zanima vonj z medom in slivo?

  2. Samanta
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 12:04 PM

    Čudovito izgledaš 🙂

  3. sABINA
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 09:18 PM

    Nista mi poznana,,,a bi jo z veseljem probala

  4. Andreja
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 09:31 PM

    Jaz bi pa raje jabolko in čili. ?

  5. Ursa
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 09:33 PM

    Sledim na obeh omrežjih in držim pesti! :*

  6. Klaudija Cigole
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 09:33 PM

    Krasne fotografije 🙂 Slidim ti na fb-ju in IG zato se pofočkam v komentar in sodelujem za nagradno igro 😉 Razveselila bi se katerega koli, mi je pa jabolko-čili nekoliko bolj zanimiv!

  7. Barbara
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 09:58 PM

    Nepredvidljiva dišava&prefinjena eleganca…top kombinacija…

  8. Andreja
    Thursday January 5th, 2017 / 10:39 PM

    Jabolko in čili ali sliva in med? Kar težka odločitev za dober in zares poseben, edinstven parfum. Enega za čez dan, sliva in med, drugega za zvečer, jabolko in čili.

    • Tatjana
      Friday January 6th, 2017 / 01:22 PM

      Sledim na obeh omrežjih in sodelujem v nagradni igri.

  9. Teja
    Friday January 6th, 2017 / 08:50 AM


  10. Anita
    Friday January 6th, 2017 / 12:42 PM

    Sledim…rade volje bi sprobala ?

  11. Mirjam M.
    Friday January 6th, 2017 / 01:45 PM

    A lahko sodelujem tu in še na instagramu? ☺
    Parfumčka pa izgledata res posebna in edinstvena ??

    • Friday January 6th, 2017 / 02:35 PM

      Seveda 🙂 Tako imaš še več možnosti, da ga osvojiš!

      • Mirjam M.
        Saturday January 7th, 2017 / 02:43 PM

        Super! Potem tudi tukaj sodelujem ?☺

  12. Maruša
    Friday January 6th, 2017 / 03:58 PM

    Sledim in upam, da čudovito dišavo dobim:)

  13. Polona
    Friday January 6th, 2017 / 04:29 PM

    nora parfumčka….imela bi kr OBA…ČUDOVITA IZDELKA, sigurno omamno dišita!

  14. Tjaša
    Saturday January 7th, 2017 / 08:06 AM

    sodelujem 🙂

  15. Sunday January 8th, 2017 / 07:38 AM

    Instagram follow @rusthawk1.

  16. Polona
    Sunday January 8th, 2017 / 09:45 PM

    Krasne fotke! Na Ig ti sledim z nickom @br00dah

  17. Heather S
    Monday January 9th, 2017 / 06:46 PM

    Following on Instagram (bohofoxbabe) and tagged a friend. Such a lovely giveaway, and you are STUNNING in that dress. xoxo

  18. mateja1984
    Wednesday January 11th, 2017 / 02:32 AM

    Že Ralph Waldo Emerson je dejal, da je sreča kot parfum, ki ga ne moreš pošpricati na druge, ne da bi kakšna kapljica padla tudi nate, zato z veseljem sodelujem! Mogoče pa sreča obišče tudi mojo malenkost! 😉

  19. Melita
    Thursday January 12th, 2017 / 05:44 PM

    Prečudovite fotke! Parfuma pa tudi izgledata in delujeta zanimivo in bi ju z veseljem preizkusila 🙂 ti sledim na FB-ju ter na Instagramu (melitahhh) 😉

  20. Monday January 16th, 2017 / 05:26 PM

    Waaaaw, prečudovite fotografije! <3 Preizkusila sem Plum & Honey in mi je božanski ♡♡♡

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