Why I decided to go for laser hair removal treatment?

lasersko odstranjevanje dlak

Not so long ago, I posted an article about removing hair with Afrodita Cosmetics. It was one of my most read beauty blog posts in a while, and after the opportunity came to get rid of body hair once and for all, I was thrilled to hear more. After my first visit at Skin dermatologija, I knew I wanted to do this. Why I decided to go for laser hair removal?

…because non of the other methods of hair removal are permanent.

Laser hair removal is the process of removing hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. It is the permanent way of removing unwanted hair, which is today totally safe due to many years of research. Depending on your skin and hair colour, some lasers will be more effective than others, but overall the best ones out there are alexandrite laser and Nd:YAG laser (which is suitable even for those with darker skin tones ). Be aware that many of the beauty salons offer the so called “laser hair removal”, but in fact they use IPL systems (which are far from the “real” deal, since they don’t remove your hair permanently).

…because I 100% trust Katja Gorenšek, dr.med., spec. dermatovenerology from Skin dermatologija.

Laser hair removal is an invasive treatment, that should be done by professionals. Doctor Gorenšek convinced me on our first meeting. Her reputation and skills are outstanding, so I knew I was in good hands. With that being said, I would highly suggest you get your laser hair removal done by medical personnel, preferably a dermatologist, in order for it to be completely safe with no health (or beauty) risks. At Skin dermatologija they truly know what they are doing, they use the best equipment out there and they make sure you are well informed about the procedure you’re going under.

…because I am an ideal patient for laser hair removal.

Having fair skin and rather dark underarm and bikini hair, I am an ideal patient for the laser hair removal. My hair on my lower legs is blonde, but doctor Gorenšek promised to make her best to permanently remove it as well. So, I decided to go for laser hair removal on my armpits, bikini area and lower legs. I promised not to expose these areas to the sun in the meantime – that’s why winter is the ideal time to do laser hair removal treatments. The areas you target shouldn’t be exposed to the sun from weeks before the first to last treatment. And you will probably need about 5 to 8 visits with 4 to 8 weeks in-between each. It’s quite a long period, but in the end you can walk into summer without worrying about annoying little hair.

…because laser hair removal doesn’t hurt.

Again, it depends on the pain thresholds of the individual, but for me it was almost painless. Far from the pain that comes with waxing for sure! Some parts are more sensitive to pain than others. For example, I didn’t felt any pain on my armpits, hardly any on my lower legs (I felt some pain only on the front lower part of the leg). The small pain was present when my bikini area was treated, it’s like a hundred small needles gently poking your skin. Nothing mayor. The area that’s treated is cooled at the same time, plus they also put some cold packs on afterwards. The redness disappeared after less than half an hour, the pain was completely gone after 10 minutes. Probably the most unpleasant part of the treatment is wearing hard protective glasses, which you obviously need to wear in order to protect you eyes from the laser.

…because laser hair removal is extremely effective.

In my estimation, I’ve lost half of the hair on my underarm area, almost half on the bikini, while on the lower part of the legs I am not completely sure (my hairs there are blonde, so they can barely be seen). I’ve noticed the lack of hair after a few weeks and the interesting thing is that they didn’t fall of evenly (I know have parts that are completely hair-free and some that are still quite hairy). The immediate lack of hair has given me confirmation that I made the right decision. I will definitely keep you posted about the progress and my whole laser removal experience. I am so excited to see the final results!

photo: Katarina Veselič

Skin dermatologija
Skin dermatologija
Skin dermatologija
lasersko odstranjevanje dlak
lasersko odstranjevanje dlaklasersko odstranjevanje dlak
laser hair removal
laser hair removal
laser hair removal



  1. Thursday December 15th, 2016 / 01:16 PM

    Imaš kakšno info glede cen? Ponujajo tudi kašne pakete?

  2. Laura S.
    Thursday December 15th, 2016 / 08:35 PM

    Kako pa je z odstranjevanjem dlačič na rokah?

    • Friday December 16th, 2016 / 12:08 AM

      Bom enkrat mogoče se dotaknila vseh posameznih področjih in malo povprašala doktorico za nasvete. Sicer je mogoča odstranitev dlak povsod po telesu – torej resnično kjerkoli rastejo. Ni razloga, zakaj na rokah ne bi šlo, sama pa se za to nisem odločila, saj so moje zelo tanke in svetle. 🙂

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