Lady in red & black

winter outfit

This outfit is all about the pieces I’ve been hunting down for months. The hunt for the perfect black blazer started a long time ago, I finally found one in Zara. The same goes for the lace-up ankle boots, which I now own thanks to MASS store. These Guess ankle boots are truly made for walking, they are super comfortable and chic at the same time. Another piece I’ve been looking for this season is a red blouse, I actually found this one at Primark, while being inexpensive it does look nice, don’t you think?

Zara blazer
Primark blouse
Zara trousers
Guess ankle boots (MASS Store)
New Yorker hat
Primark choker
Daniel Wellington watch
Daniel Wellington bangle
YSL Vinyl Cream Lip Stain (407 Carmin Session)

photo: Katarina Veselič

GIVEAWAY: Win one of three YSL Vinyl Cream Lip Stains
How to enter (open until 5th Januar)?
option 1: follow me on Instagram @ajdasitar and send me mail on
option 2: leave a comment below with your email address
option 3: enter via Instagram @ajdasitar (instructions there from 30th December)

winter outfit winter outfit winter outfit winter outfit winter outfit Guess boots Guess boots winter outfit winter outfit Daniel Wellington fashion blog Daniel Wellington fashion blog Daniel Wellington fashion blog YSL Vinyl Cream Lips Stain YSL Vinyl Cream Lips Stain YSL Vinyl Cream Lips Stain YSL Vinyl Cream Lips Stain



  1. Kristina
    Thursday December 29th, 2016 / 06:52 PM

    Kako si luštna!??

  2. Nadja
    Thursday December 29th, 2016 / 08:35 PM

    O waw! ? ?
    Sodelujem ? ?

  3. Andreja
    Thursday December 29th, 2016 / 11:58 PM

    ? outfit. ?

  4. Tina
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 12:46 AM

    Super post! 🙂

  5. Saša
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 09:48 AM

    Super outfit ?? sem dobila še malo idej za kako kombinirati moj črni klobuk, ki ga do zdaj nisem bila navajena nosit ?

    • Saša
      Friday December 30th, 2016 / 09:49 AM

      P.S.: sodelujem v nagradni igri ?

  6. Melita
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 10:01 AM

    Kot vedno čudovita! Šminko bi pa z veseljem nosila 🙂

  7. Marijana
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 10:48 AM

    Hudaaaa bluza & tudi ostali kosi tegale outfita 🙂

  8. Neža
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 10:51 AM

    Sodelujem ? Z veseljem spremljam tvoje objave in se vsakic znova navdusim!

  9. Barbara
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 03:14 PM

    O, Ajda, spet huda kombinacija, pa se nosljiva je 🙂 ? (

  10. Erika
    Friday December 30th, 2016 / 10:33 PM

    Čudovita? rdeča barva ti res pristoji?

  11. Marija
    Sunday January 1st, 2017 / 08:22 PM

    Fulll lep outfit <3 :)!!! (

  12. Iva
    Sunday January 1st, 2017 / 09:21 PM

    Ful lepa kombinacija, klobuk mi je še posebej všeč.

  13. Tuesday January 17th, 2017 / 02:23 PM

    Ta tvoja ura mi je top! 🙂

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