Happy 2017!

Happy 2017 fashion blog

2016 was a year of unexpected things, unexpected friendships, unforgettable moments, a lot of travelling, it was a landmark year regarding blogging for me, full of many amazing projects. That’s why I decided to take a look back and remember all the things that happened this year. They are all well-documented here on my blog and social media. I will take the opportunity to thank you as well, all of this wouldn’t be possible without you, my dear readers. Your constant support, your likes, comments, messages and shares, it means a lot and it also helps me push my limits, creating new, even better content. Nevertheless, 16 things I will remember from the year 2016, blogging-wise, are:

Relaunching my blog with the help of Domen Blenkuš and Vida Igličar in March.
A short blogger trip to Trieste with Toyota, Tesa (Magnifique blog) and Katarina Veselič.
Doing a project with Renault, visiting 3 music festivals in Croatia.
Running with Adidas together with my followers and two amazing Slovenian bloggers.
A short trip to Mykonos, Greece.
Collaborating with a bunch of amazing brands, such as Huawei, Microsoft, Mass, Max&Co., women’secret, UGG, YSL, Adidas, L’Oreal.
Contributing to My Makeup webpage and filming my very first YouTube video for them.
Barcelona 4 girls’ trip with Klara, Lina and Kaja.
Shooting the H&M Studio collection in Zagreb by the one and only Katarina Veselič.
Unforgettable trip to the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico.
Being a part of the Grazia Beauty Awards jury.
Styling a fashion show in Citypark Ljubljana.
Sister’s getaway to London, Great Britain.
Being a part of many blogger events throughout the whole year.
Organising a beauty bloggers event Lepotno2017 together with Gabi (Parokeets blog).
A blogger trip to Marrakech, Morocco with my blogger bestie Tesa and photographer Katarina.

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. Happy 2017!

Whole9Yards dress (buy HERE)
Guess ankle boots (trgovina MASS)

photo: Katarina Veselič

Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog Happy 2017 fashion blog



  1. Saturday December 31st, 2016 / 06:00 PM

    Draga moja Ajda, naj ti 2017 prinese se vec blogo in studijskih uspehov. Za kreativno osebo kot si ti, ni meja. ?

  2. Saturday December 31st, 2016 / 06:40 PM

    Odlična objava, prekrasne fotke in outfit. Vse dobro v 2017! ;*

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