Boho chic autumn

boho chic autumn outfit

Although boho trend is usually associated with warmer months, it can actually be worn and styled throughout the whole year. The key to its autumn transition is layering airy boho pieces with knits, oversized coats and suede shoes, like I did in this Max&Co. look. White, red and berry shades, floral print and flowing material are the key elements of this stunning maxi dress, which I paired with an orange-red coat and the iconic Miss Juno bag, thus adding a chic touch to the whole outfit.

“Če si tudi ti želiš postati boho chic dekle (ali si morda privoščiš kaj drugega), lahko v trgovini Max&Co. na Miklošičevi v Ljubljani do konca novembra izkoristiš 20% popusta, tako da na blagajni poveš kodo: Ajdas blog.”

Max&Co. clothes
Alma en Pena boots (Mass store)

photo: Katarina Veselič

boho chic autumn outfit boho chic autumn outfit boho chic autumn outfit Max&Co. autumn winter 2016 Max&Co. autumn winter 2016 Max&Co. autumn winter 2016 Max&Co. autumn winter 2016 Max&Co. Miss Juno bag Max&Co. Miss Juno bag Max&Co. Miss Juno bag overtheknee boots


1 Comment

  1. Wednesday November 16th, 2016 / 12:13 PM

    Celoten outfit mi je blazno všeč. Torbica in škornji pa UAU!

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