Why I decided to stay on Windows?

HP Spectre x360

The battle between Mac and Windows has raged across time and space. Two sides of loyalists, in between there’s us, wondering whether to invest in one or the other. At the end of the day, we only want one thing: a computer that truly works. This Summer I was confronted with the fact that my laptop is saying the final goodbye. Somewhere on the way to Mexico WiFi connectivity stopped working. Imagine me, working mainly online, searching for a LAN cable in the middle of sandy beaches of the Riviera Maya. Not extremely successful either. Not funny! I knew I would be looking for a new laptop soon.

Obviously, mainly working from home and running a blog demands a computer that works. If I say I practically live in my laptop, I wouldn’t be exaggerating. I knew what I wanted and needed, I wasn’t ready to settle for anything less than great. I wanted a light, slim laptop with a 13″ screen, backlit keyboard, fast processor and graphic card (not that I am an expert on that matter, but I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied with anything less than “extremely good”). It needed to be practical, reliable and fast to check my daily mail, writing and editing articles, as well as photo editing. I wanted a good battery life, while a sleek, chic appearance was something equally important. I admit. As shallow and pathetic as it sounds. To be completely honest, I wasn’t really monitoring the “laptop market”, so I assumed I would end up with an Apple. Well, I didn’t. I came across Microsoft heros and the HP Spectre x360 convinced me to stay on Windows.

There are many reasons why. Designer, minimalistic, utterly beautiful look, solid aluminium body, handy, easy-to-carry-around size (it’s thin and light: 13,3’’ and 1,4kg), super sharp and vivid screen (making easy to edit photos), amazing battery life, custom Bang & Olufsen audio system, overall great characteristics. What was a game changer for me is the fact that the HP Spectre x360 is a convertible notebook, that allows easy conversion from classic notebook mode, to tablet mode. Shifting between both is seamless, something I now really appreciate. I am telling you, touch-screen is something you NEED on your laptop!

Staying on Windows is something I don’t regret. It allows me to upgrade from the hardware and software standpoint, it provides lots of flexibility and customization, it connects great with my new Huawei P9 (I recently upgraded my Huawei P8 to the P9, and I must say I’m impressed, especially the camera quality is superb!), while also offering some cool features. The HP Spectre x360 has everything I need (and more) for my daily work.

Zara jeans
NA-KD sweater
Diesel vest
Daniel Wellington watch
Fantasy shoes (Mass store)

photo: Katarina Veselič

HP Spectre x360hp_spectre_x360-3-of-22HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360Why I stayed on WindowsWhy I stayed on WindowsHP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360



  1. Sunday October 23rd, 2016 / 07:35 PM

    Oo super outfit in tudi racunalnik izgleda dober! Tudi jaz bom kmalu na tvojem mestu. Nakupu novega.. moj je z mano ze skoraj 8 let in nimam pojma kaj je trenutno in na trgu..

  2. Monday October 24th, 2016 / 06:59 PM

    Jaz samo čakam na dan, ko bo mojega po domače povedano razgnalo od konstantnega procesiranja videov. 😀 Bom šla pa skoraj sigurno na Appla, ker mi Windows zadnja leta na žalost povzroča same težave…

    • Tuesday October 25th, 2016 / 01:21 AM

      Jaz sem ravno začela urejati eno video na mojem. Je res zmogljiv, tako da verjetno še nekaj časa ne bo panike 🙂

  3. Tuesday October 25th, 2016 / 02:15 PM

    Torej imaš v bistvu lahko zmogljivo tablico ali pa ultra lahek prenosnik. Dobra izbira. 😀

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