Welcome to the all new Ajdas blog!


I am super excited to share with you my relaunched Ajdas blog. Finally, after all the wait, the headaches and hours spent online, here it is just for you! I can’t even explain how excited I am about the new design, which took about 4 months to come together. After growing and evolving over the past 3 and a half years of blogging, it was about time to refresh the look, making it more functional, user-friendly and a bit more trendy. The changes were made mainly for you, my dear readers, to make the whole browsing experience better – after all, you are the main reason, why I keep going with my blog. Domen Blenkuš is my friend and photographer (and software developer), who helped me get through the whole process of choosing the right visuals and made it come to life. The young graphic designer Vida Igličar added an artistic touch with her unique calligraphy and drawings.

The occasion was about right to host an event in order to share my big news with the media world. Vichy is the brand I feel strongly connected to and they were up for helping me organize a lovely meetup at the newest Zvezda café in the National gallery here in Ljubljana. The atmosphere and ambiance were lovely and relaxed; my blogger colleges, editors and journalists truly were great company. I decided to share a glimpse into the blogging world through a casual conversation with two lovely ladies – the editor-in-chief of Grazia Slovenia Špela Štamol and the online editor Živa Slokan. I am happy to have such nice and supportive people around me and they are definitely one of those that recognize all the hard work, effort and heart us bloggers put into our posts. Cannot wait to have another chat with them soon!

Chatting with all the lovely people, drinking great coffee, snacking on delicious macarons and pampering the taste buds with the traditional Luiza cake accompanied by Cubiton premium French wine in trendy packaging made my blog relaunch day even more special.

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Marina Yachting dress SS2016
Perla necklace Noah
Cinti pumps SS2016
photo: Domen Blenkuš




  1. Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 08:53 AM

    Čestitke! In čudovite ste prav vse. <3

  2. Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 09:01 AM

    Izredno všečna in premišljena prenova. Meni je seveda najbolj všeč, da ni več nedelujočega Googlovega iskalnika. 😀

    Najlepša hvala za povabilo na event. Atmosfera je bila fantastična, pa tudi kaj novega sem izvedela o tebi. In ne morem mimo outfita – PREČUDOVITO! 😀

  3. Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 09:55 AM

    Prekrasen izgled bloga Ajda in odlične fotografije, se vidi da ste uživale 😉

  4. Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 10:02 AM

    Nova podoba bloga je resnično prekrasna in čudovita. Želim ti še veliko uspešnosti in užitkov na tvoji poti! 🙂 Slike iz eventa so res prelepe in prav vidi se, da ste se imele zares čudovito 🙂 Top Ajda! <3

  5. monika
    Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 11:50 AM

    Hvala Ajda za prečudovit event, veliko mi pomeni, da sem lahko bila del zgodbe, uživala, se posladkala in imela res lepo. Blog ima prečudovit dizajn in je absolutno prekosal vse bloge v Sloveniji. Želim ti res veliko modnega navdiha, dobrih izdelkov za tvojo kožo in dušo, inspiracije, še več potovanj, veliko lepe dnevne svetlobe :), predvsem pa želje, srčnosti in pristnosti, da boš še naprej ustvarjala v svojem ritmu in nikoli odnehala, kljub vsemu kar ti nekoč prinese življenje :). Monika

  6. Anja
    Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 01:51 PM

    Lepotičkaaa 🙂 Ful lep blogec res! :*

  7. Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 / 04:31 PM

    Ajda, zelo lepo!!! 🙂
    Čestitke in še veliiiikooo zanimivih in uspešnih objav.

  8. Rose Touch Blog
    Thursday March 31st, 2016 / 11:20 PM

    Vidim, da ste se imele čudovito. Čestitke Ajda! xx

  9. Peter Rai
    Thursday May 30th, 2019 / 11:08 AM

    Zdravo, teden dni nazaj sem na odaji 24ur videl, da ste imeli neko novo terapijo za obnovo kože. Pozabil sem kako se imenuje? Kaka je vaša izkušnja?

    Hvala, lep dan

    • Tuesday June 4th, 2019 / 02:24 PM

      Pozdravljeni! Šlo je za Aquagold terapijo v SKIN estetiki in dermatologiji 🙂

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