A true Balinese village experience, Sanur (Bali Part 5)

The thing I love about Bali is the fact that you find hidden gems everywhere you go. One of them being The Gangsa private villa, an exclusive retreat of the Kayumanis group that is significantly reminiscent of a rustic, local village. Named after the keyed instruments that play the resonant melodies in a traditional orchestra, therefore truly introducing you to the harmonious serenade of life. One of the eleven spacious villas, named Gender (after the gamelan instrument played at the most sacred Bali Hindu rituals) was our next sanctuary. The day of our arrival, we wanted to relax in our traditional Balinese layout villa and later explore the area. After a swim in our own private pool, we decided to take the hotel shuttle to the Sanur beach to have an evening walk. I couldn’t help myself and took a swim in the pool before sleep as well. Our next morning started with an early, delicious breakfast in our open-space dining area, later we visited the Jimbaran market and attended a traditional Balinese cooking class with The Gangsa’s kitchen chef. You can read all about our experience in my previous blog post (here). We ended our day at their private beach and again returned there next day early morning to experience a breakfast at sunrise, which was definitely one of the highlight of our stay. The last hours of our tropical paradise stay, we enjoyed the holistic Rebab Spa, where we had a wonderful foot bath with aromatic oils, salt and flowers and a relaxing massage. The therapists did an amazing job relaxing the tension and our minds with the selective mixture of oils. Ending our stay there, we already knew, we would come back one day.

»A private local village charm that will help restore your inner peace, replenish your life energy and bring harmony into your life.«




  1. Mateja
    Wednesday October 21st, 2015 / 04:17 PM

    A dej nooo, kar je preveč, je pa preveč. Kot da bi bila na drugem planetu…
    Z veseljem prebiram tvoje objave in se učim. Ko bom "velika" bom šla pogledat vse te lepe kotičke, do takrat pa sanjam.
    Bravo za fotografije!

    • Wednesday October 21st, 2015 / 07:34 PM

      Sem že nazaj v mrzli Sloveniji, če te kaj potolaži 🙂 Sicer pa – vredno ogleda vsekakor! Hvala!

  2. Thursday October 29th, 2015 / 05:11 PM

    Kok si lepa! Na tebi bi še vreča za smeti lepo zgledala, res. 🙂 <3

  3. Anonymous
    Wednesday November 4th, 2015 / 04:27 PM

    Wow, the first photo is just amazing, it would easily be in a magazine. Even my boyfriend liked it, I should probably get really jealous, so he has to take me there to make it up to me, hahaha ;)xx

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