Luxury in surfers paradise, Canggu (Bali Part 2)

After Ubud, our next stop was Canggu, a village that is the alternative to the urban sprawl of neighbouring Seminyak. We were astonished by the stunning Ametis Villa, which is located just a short walk away from the Batu Bolong Beach, a popular surfers point. The retreat is a collection of exclusive villa compounds, our was the one bedroom Premiere Villa named Ametrine as the gemstone which helps to enhance mental and spiritual clarity. As soon as I stepped in (escorted by our personal butler), I knew I was going to enjoy every second of it. A swim in the pool, which divides the villa into the open space living area with the kitchen, and bedroom accompanied by a large bathroom, left us breathless. The villa is spacious and airy, you can admire the whole outdoor area while taking a shower or bath. You can really see that it is designed and furnished thoughtfully, they really took great effort with even the smallest details. Other thrilling Ametis features like a relaxing massage in their Ruby Spa, delicious food (which you can enjoy in your own villa or in their Eternal Restaurant), a complimentary mini bar and an everyday basket full of fruit made us feel welcome and spoiled. A quick look at the photos can reveal my favourite spot, by the pool – nothing beats the morning tea or a fruit snack while dipping your feet in the water. Ametis is also a great starting point to discover the Seminyak area, visit the touristy Tanah Lot or even catch the perfect wave.

»A modern private villa sanctuary with a traditional Balinese touch within the surfers paradise.«


  1. Sunday October 11th, 2015 / 10:41 AM

    Aaa … si me spomnila na moje Bali popotovanje iz katerega žal nimam nobene slike, ker so odšle skupaj s kompom in telefonom najbrž v roke kakega DJ-a na Gilijih ;). Bali je res uživancija … mislim, da se je moje bloganje začelo prav tam, ker sem vsak večer k fotkam naredila kratek zapis … čudovita pokrajna, hana in notranji dizajn njihovih vil te kar sili v to ;). Kako se že imenuje to 'svetišče' na zadnji fotografiji?

  2. Mateja
    Sunday October 11th, 2015 / 02:54 PM

    omg…to pa je res presežek v vsakem pogledu.

  3. Sunday October 11th, 2015 / 04:46 PM

    Oh, kakšna božanska destinacija! 🙂
    Te tvoje slike so res mega!

    x, Katja

  4. Sunday October 11th, 2015 / 06:52 PM

    Za v katalog sta zapozirala haha 🙂 Uživača, uživajta še naprej in se vidiva na kavi da mi poveš vse! <3

  5. Monday October 12th, 2015 / 07:58 AM

    Čudovito 🙂 Res izgleda kot raj na zemlji 🙂 Obvezno kava – I want to know everything <3

  6. Tuesday October 13th, 2015 / 04:05 PM

    Uau!!! Kakšen dargon fruit!!! A je tudi tako dober kot izgleda? 😉 (sej je dragon fruit – velika bordo-pink zadeva – notri pa pikice)
    Sicer pa krasno! Hočem na Bali!

    • Wednesday October 14th, 2015 / 04:08 AM

      Je dragon fruit ja, oziroma pitaja 🙂 izgled krvavo roza, okus pa je na žalost malo prazen. Meni so dosti ljubši mangosteeni in pasijonke. In ja – moraš na Bali <3

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