I have so much going on lately, so I haven’t got enough time to post regularly. Tommorow I’m going to have my first ever acting role. We are filming a series “The Life of Tomaz Kajzer” and my role is a spoiled girl with a very influential father, dating the main character (that’s it for now, I’m not revealing more). The whole cast is quite good actually, a lot of well known Slovenian actors are doing a part in it as well, so I’m really grateful to get a chance to try something new and be a part of such an amazing project. Hopefully, I’ll do a great job; I’ll keep you posted on social networks (Instragram: @ajdasitar). P.S. Brounette on the third next to me photo is my younger sister Alja, a track&field athlete.
This bikini top is amazing!
Wow, you'll be an actress, good luck dear!
Amazing summer pics…so refreshing
Btw do chekc out my new post
Stay in touch
great photos
Great photos, love it!
About women and not only Blog
Nice pics. Great day.
Great photos
Love it
pretty x
You look stunning in these photos!
uuuu prav firbec me matra za kakšen sestanek gre
Čudovite fotografije & kopalke! <3
xx, moonchild beauty blog
really pretty and sexy swimwear! I'd love to try that one
so lovely photos dear!
Ful maš luštno sestrco! No, da ne bo pomote tud ti si ful lepa! Anch
Hope you have fun in your first acting role! It must be such a great experience!
Hey babe, when I clicked to ur blog last night through blogger it said page had been moved, looks like its working ok now
The post and photos are amazing.
Maria Speaks Prada
Zdajle bi se tudi meni prilegla osvežitev v bazenu
Luštne fotke 
Mmm, bazen in ful dober zgornji del kopalk.. (:
wow ure becomin an actress? Congrat on ur role!
Zelo lepo izgledaš v kopalkah! Vse pohvale!
I like the vichy pray too! You look so pretty!
Click here to Blog T.Size Small
Great photos (:
You are beautiful. Good luck on your role.
čestitam na ulozi, nije to mala stvar:)!!!
Odlične fotografije!
beautiful face! nice body:)
Very pretty
you look so beautiful!
Coline ♡
Thank you all for your lovely comments!