Black Swim

I have so much going on lately, so I haven’t got enough time to post regularly. Tommorow I’m going to have my first ever acting role. We are filming a series “The Life of Tomaz Kajzer” and my role is a spoiled girl with a very influential father, dating the main character (that’s it for now, I’m not revealing more). The whole cast is quite good actually, a lot of well known Slovenian actors are doing a part in it as well, so I’m really grateful to get a chance to try something new and be a part of such an amazing project. Hopefully, I’ll do a great job; I’ll keep you posted on social networks (Instragram: @ajdasitar). P.S. Brounette on the third next to me photo is my younger sister Alja, a track&field athlete.



  1. Monday July 29th, 2013 / 03:49 PM

    Amazing summer pics…so refreshing

    Btw do chekc out my new post
    Stay in touch

  2. Monday July 29th, 2013 / 08:38 PM

    Great photos 🙂

  3. Monday July 29th, 2013 / 11:35 PM

    You look stunning in these photos!

  4. Tuesday July 30th, 2013 / 08:44 AM

    uuuu prav firbec me matra za kakšen sestanek gre 😀

  5. Tuesday July 30th, 2013 / 02:03 PM

    really pretty and sexy swimwear! I'd love to try that one 🙂

  6. Anonymous
    Wednesday July 31st, 2013 / 11:44 AM

    Ful maš luštno sestrco! No, da ne bo pomote tud ti si ful lepa! Anch

  7. Wednesday July 31st, 2013 / 01:49 PM

    Hope you have fun in your first acting role! It must be such a great experience!

  8. Thursday August 1st, 2013 / 09:02 PM

    Hey babe, when I clicked to ur blog last night through blogger it said page had been moved, looks like its working ok now

  9. Friday August 2nd, 2013 / 11:55 AM

    Zdajle bi se tudi meni prilegla osvežitev v bazenu 🙂 Luštne fotke 😉

  10. Friday August 2nd, 2013 / 08:51 PM

    Mmm, bazen in ful dober zgornji del kopalk.. (:

  11. Saturday August 3rd, 2013 / 01:03 AM

    wow ure becomin an actress? Congrat on ur role!

  12. Anonymous
    Saturday August 3rd, 2013 / 10:43 PM

    Zelo lepo izgledaš v kopalkah! Vse pohvale!

  13. Monday August 5th, 2013 / 12:55 AM

    You are beautiful. Good luck on your role.

  14. Wednesday August 7th, 2013 / 03:34 PM

    čestitam na ulozi, nije to mala stvar:)!!!

    Odlične fotografije!

  15. Thursday August 8th, 2013 / 09:08 PM

    Very pretty 🙂

  16. Sunday September 22nd, 2013 / 10:10 AM

    Thank you all for your lovely comments!

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