Nike Women’s Convention, This Weekend

As some of you may know, I became Miss Sports Slovenia in 2009. Soon after that I was chosen to become a Slovenian ambassador for Nike! Yes, Nike! Could you believe it? As an athlete I always fancied their products. I became a part of the Nike family few years ago, and I really love their concept, high quality products and enjoy taking part in their activities – from Nike Women’s Convention to Ljubljana’s Castle Run and Nike’s 10km during Ljubljana’s marathon…

This weekend the Nike Women’s Convention will take place at Ljubljana’s Faculty of Sports (they changed the location this year). Can’t wait to go there, sweat and push myself to the limit. Hey ladies, the summer’s coming! It’s definitely time to do some extra workout for my body and I’m starting seriously this weekend. I’ll keep you posted! In the meanwhile I have just one message for you: “Just do it!” and join me!

photo: Robert Bogataj / Nike


  1. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 10:55 AM

    nice look, I like it:) A.

  2. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 11:17 AM

    great pictures. you have a perfect body. really sporty 😉

  3. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 02:33 PM

    fantastično! ništa kao vježbanje za bolje raspoloženje:)

  4. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 03:23 PM


  5. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 05:08 PM

    Nice post and shoes. You are very lucky. 🙂

  6. Friday March 1st, 2013 / 06:09 PM

    you really fit the miss nike thingy. love it.

  7. Saturday March 2nd, 2013 / 08:37 AM

    wearing cool workout clothes is definitely good motivation to actually workout 🙂 congrats on being their rep!

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  8. Anonymous
    Saturday March 2nd, 2013 / 11:59 AM

    Jaz grem tudi! Super bo! Katka

  9. Saturday March 2nd, 2013 / 01:13 PM



  10. Saturday March 2nd, 2013 / 04:22 PM

    Thats awesome that you're an ambassador for Nike! That's huge!
    Have fun at the event 🙂 & thanks for the follow, following you back!

  11. Saturday March 2nd, 2013 / 07:48 PM

    awesome!!! looking forward n your upcoming posts

  12. Sunday March 3rd, 2013 / 03:54 PM

    Wow, so sprtive and sexy at the same time!
    Just came over from Kizzy and am a new follower of your blog – want to follow me too? I'd like to invite you to my giveaway – a pair of chic eyeglasses – come and have a look!

  13. Sunday March 3rd, 2013 / 05:20 PM

    hi dear! i just found your blog and i love it! great post! would you like to follow each other?

  14. Monday March 4th, 2013 / 11:04 PM

    that's so cool 🙂 i love to workout and nike is one of my all time favorite brands!

  15. Tuesday March 5th, 2013 / 05:29 AM

    Awesome! And great photos 😉
    I'm following you via GFC already dear!
    Have a great day!

  16. Wednesday March 6th, 2013 / 11:39 AM

    Thank you all for your sweet comments!

  17. Thursday March 7th, 2013 / 10:42 AM

    Girls you look gorgeous. Great pictures and you have amazing body. I bet I'm not the first one telling you this….


  18. Thursday March 7th, 2013 / 10:08 PM

    Great !! 🙂

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