Nupo Celebration Event

Being an ambassador for Nupo Slovenia, I was present at their Christmas party in Plaza Hotel. They were also celebrating the 2 year anniversary of their presence on the Slovenian market. For those who don’t know anything about Nupo products, here is a quick sum up: “The Nupo diet is one of the most effective and safe methods of achieving your weight loss. Nupo products contain all of the necessary nutrients, such as proteins, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals โ€“ but with a minimal input of calories. Together, they give you a pleasant feeling of fullnes and well-being because you don’t lack any of the vital nutrients. This gives your body the chance to burn your fat deposits and lose weight.” I use Nupo product just to replace some unhealthy meals (read: junk), I eat their snacks, meal replacement bars and shakes. You can always carry it in your purse and don’t need to empty vending machines!

photo: Jure Makovec / Nupo



  1. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 11:13 AM

    Haha love the last one. WOMEN POWER ๐Ÿ˜€ Great photos and looking beautiful in black ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aree With Umbrella

    • Monday December 10th, 2012 / 11:02 AM

      Women power for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you sweety!

  2. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 11:45 AM

    Hi, I've found your blog and I really like it! Glad to meet you!
    I'm following you right now, hope you will do same!
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  3. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 03:55 PM

    great dress!nice work on your blog girl!check mine if you want!want to follow each other?thanks

  4. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 06:41 PM

    Lovely look!

  5. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 07:15 PM

    Hope you had fun – these pics are great dear:)

    x the cookies

    visit <3

  6. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 07:21 PM

    Your blog looks so lovely!! you look gorgeous hun! thanks for your sweet words. absollutely followng u on GFC and Bloglovin…will keep visiting. Love yr style!! Do come back too ร–D Hugs!

  7. Sunday December 9th, 2012 / 08:55 PM

    Following you now on GFC and Bloglovin. Looking forward to your next post! xo : )

  8. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 08:34 AM

    oh wow thats so cool ! And you look great in the photos!

  9. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 11:24 AM

    Thank you, it means a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Tuesday December 11th, 2012 / 09:22 PM

      Nupo is covering Europe for now, maybe some day ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 12:07 PM

    Great Pics.
    You are so beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

    You got a great Blog.

    Would you like to follow each other?
    Just let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 02:16 PM

    This looks like it was a great event! I love your blog and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 03:21 PM

    great blog dear ๐Ÿ˜€ and you're so beautiful <3
    anyway feel free to visit mine

  13. Monday December 10th, 2012 / 04:02 PM

    You are so gorgeous! I love you dress so much! You look like a Victoria's Secret model! =D I'm your newest follower via google (#176). I'd really love it if you could check out my blog sometime and maybe follow as well?

    xoxo Can't wait to see more, beautiful!

  14. Tuesday December 11th, 2012 / 09:42 PM

    Thank you all!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Thursday January 17th, 2013 / 05:46 AM

    It is a brilliant blog post. Thanks for the share and really treasure your effort.

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